Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Dear Senator/Representative part 2

Reader HM suggests this sort of letter to Congress: Senator/Representative _________: I am writing to you to ask you to join the fight against those who want to “privatize” / “personalize” or otherwise roll back the Social Security retirement insurance program as we know it. As I’m sure you know, to ensure Social Security had […]

ACO and health care practices

There was a question on what ACO meant for health care practices and as part of reform of current practices. Rusty sends two links he thinks might help: A guide to Accountable Care Organizations… from Health Reform Watch offers a glimpse: Specifically, their findings illustrate that there exists wide variations in the cost of care […]

Health Care thoughts: Religious, Gender and Cultural Issues

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care: Religious, Gender and Cultural Issues The Muslim population in the U.S. is now about 7 million, some having been here many generations and others being new immigrants. Muslims arrive with various cultural backgrounds and various degrees of cultural conservatism. Americans of other religions and beliefs also have cultural […]

Ireland: the battle against "markets"

by Rebecca Wilder Ireland: the battle against “markets”crossposted with Newsneconomics Is it the sheer size of its contingent liabilities that is driving Irish spreads? Finance Minister Brian Lenihan thinks so via the Irish Independent: “There is no doubt in my mind that while the announcement on the banking sector in September was not disbelieved by […]

Dear ———– (Congress people),

Lifted from comments here by Reader Jack, who recommends writing to your Congress representatives. Now this is probably not as satisfying as the (hat tip Yves Smith crosspost) post from Steve at the Daily Bail. Dear——-, I hope that you will be standing tall against the current forces of deception that are campaigning hard to […]

Economist’s View link list

Economist View provides a few reactions to the The Fiscal Commission’s “Report”: NY Times: Panel Weighs Deep Cuts in Tax Breaks and Spending Real Time Economics: Deficit Commission’s $200 Billion in Proposed Spending Cuts Paul Krugman: Unserious People Brad DeLong: Yes, the Entitlement Commission Was an Unforced Error by the Obama Administration Ezra Klein: The […]

Seven steps to Social Security cuts prophecy

Seven steps to Social Security cuts by Bruce Webb was posted January 2010 this year at Angry Bear and has proven to be prophetic: ‘…is that the strategy to get major slashes to Social Security and Medicare takes an Seven Step and that this technique is not new and in fact mirrors the original plan […]