Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

G4 GDP, reaction ECB

by Rebecca Wildercrossposted with Newsneconomics G4 GDP, reaction ECB It’s complicated. The ECB is currently juggling two objectives: perpetually assuaging bond investors in the face of a shaky financial system, and managing policy for an economy with a single currency and sovereign government issuers. But is it really so complicated? The chart above illustrates the […]

Economic stimulus–the right and the wrong of it

by Linda Beale Economic stimulus–the right and the wrong of itcrossposted with Ataxingmatter Clearly, for ordinary Americans, the US economy is still in a funk from the financial crisis caused by the housing boom funded by the easy credit of turnover securitization of mortgage loans, coupled with the casino banking mentality spurred by proprietary trading […]

What Exactly is the Comparative Advantage of Banks?

by Mike Kimel What Exactly is the Comparative Advantage of Banks?Cross posted at the Presimetrics blog. What exactly is the comparative advantage of banks? When the bank bail-outs began, I noted that bailing out banks makes no sense whatsoever. The focus should be on a well-functioning financial system, and not on the survival of existing […]

Link Worth Noting: the Wall St. Journals anti-FAIR Tax editorial, and Ed’s comment at TaxProf

by Linda Beale Link Worth Noting: the Wall St. Journal’s anti-FAIR Tax editorial, and Ed’s comment at TaxProfcrossposted with Ataxingmatter I’ve often commented on the so-called “FAIR Tax” on this blog–a proposal for a consumption tax that tends to be supported by GOP politicians and right-wing propaganda tanks and is often blatantly misrepresented in discussions. […]

Note on Elizabeth Warren

This post caught my attention, and worth holding in mind as regulation develops. After several weeks of officially pleasant interactions, signs are emerging that the Treasury Department’s knives may be coming out against Elizabeth Warren. In recent weeks, Treasury officials have leaked details about Warren to Politico as part of what appears to be an […]

Americans are voting on the wrong information

by Linda Beale Americans are voting on the wrong information crossposted with Ataxingmatter Even the Washington Post knows it–a new Bloomberg poll shows that Americans have wrong information about the Obama Administration’s record.   see Americans Don’t Know, Oct, 29 2010.  They mistakenly think taxes have increased (they haven’t–they’ve gone down), that the TARP money won’t […]

Coming Boomer pension cuts

This site, Remapping Debate, by Colombia Review Journalism shows some promise for information. Here’s a piece missing from the debate on the impact pension cuts on a consumer and credit driven economy (Coming boomer pension cuts…what impact on the economy, by Diana Jean Schemo) might have on the Great Recession. It is long and has […]

Cute procedural tautology of Roberts Court

by Beverly Mannlifted from an e-mail, used with permission of the author of the blog The Annarborist This article in the New York Times on this one page court order by the Supreme Court elicited the following response from Beverly Mann: “Eric M. Freedman, a law professor at Hofstra University, said that the lesson of […]

Deleterious Doodling About The Deficit

by Barkley Rosserlifted from Econospeak Deleterious Doodling About The Deficit: What Else Is New? Department In today’s Washington Post business section, Lori Montgomery has a big article on “A renewed focus on spending,” starting with how the GOP is making noises about cutting spending to cut the deficit without raising taxes, while not mentioning anything […]