Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

First Amendment pronouncement by O’Donnell…

by Beverly Manncrossposted note from Annarborist The National Review: Christine O’Donnell Wants the Koran Taught in the Public Schools “O’Donnell stressed that preventing schools from the possibility of teaching intelligent design would violate the First Amendment clause that Congress could not prohibit ‘the free exercise thereof’ of religion. ‘He [Coons] forgot to quote [that] part,” […]

Health Care thought: book recommendation

Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care: book recommendation Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine is Making Us Sicker and Poorer by Shannon Brownlee I was able to spend some time with Ms. Brownlee recently. She is a scientist turned journalist. I do not agree with everything she says be she is most thought provoking and we […]

Tax Shelter Pleas Still Being Entered–Erwin Mayer

Tax Shelter Pleas Still Being Entered–Erwin Mayer by Linda Beale Erwin Mayer is one of the attorneys at the former firm of Jenkins & Gilcrhist.  The law firm, with accounting firms and financial institutions, helped wealthy clients evade tax “through deceit and trickery” (quoting the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York […]

Repurchasing bond packages

Hat tip Atrios for the link to Bloomberg for another link to add to this chain of title in the Bloomberg news Pacific Investment Management Co., BlackRock Inc. and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are seeking to force Bank of America Corp. to repurchase soured mortgages packaged into $47 billion of bonds by […]

Wall St. as tax collectors

New Tax Man at Huffington Post points us to a growing trend: Nearly a dozen major banks and hedge funds, anticipating quick profits from homeowners who fall behind on property taxes, are quietly plowing hundreds of millions of dollars into businesses that collect the debts, tack on escalating fees and threaten to foreclose on the […]

State antiquated property registration cause of foreclosuregate? WAPO says yes?

A Washington Post editorial suggests the meme that deliquencies are the main concern for us to consider instead of ownership issues that are more fundamental and problematic. But the author also suggests the states are at fault for their antiquated registration system… To be sure, the revelations of “robo-signing” and other sloppy or unlawful methods […]

Why the Correlation Between Top Marginal Rates and Real Economic Growth is Positive

by Mike Kimel Discouraging Greg Mankiw From Working Would be Good for the Economy, Part 2: Why the Correlation Between Top Marginal Rates and Real Economic Growth is PositiveCross posted at the Presimetrics blog. I had a post the other day noting that the correlation between top marginal rates and real GDP per capita is […]

There’s no way out of here

by Dale CoberlyAn Op-ed There’s no way out of here said the Joker to the Thief … or is there? This essay grew by strange turns from an argument I was having with another Bear, with whom I agree about all important things. A long time ago I went with some civil rights workers to […]