Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Rulers Cannot Take Responsibility

op-ed by Noni Mausa     The Rulers Cannot Take Responsibility At least, not in the sense of crime and punishment.  Only in  immediate, short term and small decisions can political rulers be  unambiguously judged right or wrong, and adequately punished.  There is no punishment, however severe, that can adequately balance the potential harm done by one man or a […]

The Beginning of the End of Citizens United?

 I sent a link to Beverly to this article which stated Citizen United was not so much about corporate personhood. Here is her response, and in addition in a later e-mail Beverly makes this key point (intro amended for readability): …that no constitutional amendment is necessary in order to nullify Citizens United, because Citizens United actually was […]

Op-ed: Political Opportunity (Not)

op-ed by Beverly Mann Political Opportunity (Not)   The link at the end of Steve Roth’s post yesterday, “American Exceptionalism #238: Opportunity (Not),” is to a post on Sunday by Paul Krugman on his NYT blog, in which he discusses Alan Krueger’s speech last week.  Krugman’s blog entry says:   “Alan Krueger, the chairman of the […]

Comments on Journalist Chris Hedges’ article “Why I’m Suing Barack Obama”

by Beverly Mann Comments on Journalist Chris Hedges’ article, “Why I’m Suing Barack Obama”(reformatted for easier reading) Dan asked me if I could comment on an article published yesterday on Truthdig, republished on Truthout, by veteran foreign correspondent and current Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges. The article is titled, “Why I’m Suing Barack Obama.” Hedges’ Truthdig […]

Romney Reveals His Tax Rate Is ‘Probably Closer to 15 Percent

by Linda Beale Romney Reveals His Tax Rate Is ‘Probably Closer to 15 Percent Source for this article:  Emily Friedman, Romney Reveals His Tax Rate Is ‘Probably Closer to 15 Percent’”, ABC News, Jan. 17, 2012. At a press conference following the GOP debate last night, GOP presumed favored candidate Mitt Romney acknowledged for the first […]

Offshored Assets still in IRS cross-hairs but new disclosure program available

by Linda Beale Offshored Assets still in IRS cross-hairs but new disclosure program available As most who follow the issues are aware, the IRS has been focusing for some time on the foreign bank accounts of US taxpayers.  The big break came when the IRS was able to get some data from UBS, including information […]

Arctic sea ice melt futures

Arctic Sea Ice measurements are still being reported by the National Snow and Ice Data Center but are not much noted in the national press. Arctic sea ice extent in December 2011 averaged 12.38 million square kilometers (4.78 million square miles). This is the third lowest December ice extent in the 1979 to 2011 satellite […]