Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.


by Dale Coberly SOCIAL SECURITY AND BRAIN DAMAGE Liberals Destroy Social Security While Claiming Victory Republicans Cry “Please Not the Briar Patch, Br’er ‘Bama, please, please!” Robert Kuttner, tells us that Obama has won a great victory by getting the Republicans to extend the payroll tax cut; SS “will be made whole from transfers […]

Holman Jenkins’ Support for Job Destruction at Bain Capital Doesn’t Hold Up

by Linda Beale Holman Jenkins’ Support for Job Destruction at Bain Capital Doesn’t Hold Up  Holman Jenkins Jr. writes an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal: “The Truth about Bain and Jobs,” Jan. 14-15, 2012, Wall St. J. at A13.  His first paragraph makes his bias in favor of “private equity” clear.  He says any […]

Towards a 21-hour working week?

Chris Bertram at Crookedtimber posted on a conference he attended (and Sandwichman, who hasn’t written to date) on the idea of working time reduction in response to keeping unemployment lower. The comments are worth a post to summarize, but at least this pointer is a start. Towards a 21-hour working week? by Chris Bertram Last […]

Romney’s Tax Plan Helps the 1%, Hurts the Bottom 40%

by Linda Beale Romney’s Tax Plan Helps the 1%, Hurts the Bottom 40% In spite of having to suffer some closer view of his Bain Capital time–during which the self-proclaimed “job creator” businessman did a lot of job cutting and destruction of going concerns so that his investors could make more money, Romney continues on […]

"Business Leaders of Today are Not Capitalists"

Via Mark Thoma comes this thinking on the nature of our economic system and by John Kay at the Financial Times in Business Leaders of Today are Not Capitalists. John Kay says that the term “capitalism” is misleading in modern economies: ..So the business leaders of today are not capitalists in the sense in which […]

Italy now backs a financial transactions tax

by Linda Beale Italy now backs a financial transactions tax Germany and France are already on board in support of a financial transactions tax, and one outcome of the meeting of Italy’s new leadership with Chancelor Merkel is that Italy is on board. See AP, Italy Backs Financial Transactions Tax, New York Times, Jan 11, […]

Photobucket overwhelm

For some reason I am trying to discover Photobucket has declared us out of band width and tells us by blasting us with upgrade bars and ads and messing with blogger widgets. This is nonsense…I am working on it and will apprise people about the interference. (The upgrade is $2.99 a month…a drastic method they […]

Conflict of Interest

The Wall Street Journal reports: Under new rules adopted by the American Economic Association at its annual meeting here last week, economists will have to disclose financial ties and other potential conflicts of interest in papers published in academic journals. Backers argue such disclosures will help restore faith in the profession by giving both policy makers and […]