Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Refinancing bad for business?

Robert Waldmann comments on the Freddie Mac story recently in the news (lifted from Stochastic Thoughts): Freddster (noun): Fraudster who profits from conflict of interest at Freddie Mac (the knife). Jesse Eisinger, pf ProPublica and Chris Arnold, of the public sector NPR News have the most interesting article about ruthless greedy uh socialism I guess at […]

Is the ECB/EU Achieving Stated Objective of Balanced Growth

by Rebecca Wilder Is the ECB/EU Achieving Stated Objective of Balanced Growth? The primary objective of the European Central Bank is to maintain price stability; however, as a compliment to its primary objective, the Eurosystem “shall also ‘support the general economic policies in the Union with a view to contributing to the achievement of the […]

Guest post: The Obama Record after 3 years – Jobs and GDP

by Jon Hammond at Econographia Guest post:  The Obama Record after 3 years – Jobs and GDP The performance of the economy over President Obama’s tenure to date has been much discussed in light of the severe contraction that began in December 2007 .. and the policies implemented to correct course and restore growth. As […]

Kooky Tax Protestors!

by Linda Beale Kooky Tax Protestors! Anybody who has read much of my blog probably has realized that I don’t think much of “tax protestor” movements like the one Wesley Snipe got involved with. There are websites and books and information available in all kinds of places about these “tax protestor” arguments. They claim that […]

by Dale Coberly SOCIAL SECURITY More How They Lie To Us David Brooks says in a column headlined  Where Are the Liberals? Americans don’t hate government, but “believe the government has been captured by rent-seekers.” This is the disease that corrodes government at all times and in all places. As George F. Will wrote in […]

The ECB is Plugging Holes

by Rebecca Wilder The ECB is Plugging Holes Today the ECB released its monthly data on monetary developments in the Euro area (EA), as measured by M3 and its components. The market usually focuses on the marketable assets portion of M3, M3-M2, as a representation of funding access – here’s an FT Alphaville post highlighting […]

Remembering Howard Zinn

Noam Chomsky writes on the anniversary of Howard Zinn’s death: Howard’s remarkable life and work are summarised best in his own words. His primary concern, he explained, was “the countless small actions of unknown people” that lie at the roots of “those great moments” that enter the historical record – a record that will be […]

Class warfare or fairness…or what?

But Gingrich seems to have noticed that the key to his South Carolina landslide last weekend was overwhelming support from blue-collar and middle-class Republican voters. With those making between $30,000 and $50,000 a year, Gingrich crushed Romney by 20 points. With those making between $50,000 and $70,000, the margin was 16. But at the top […]