A machine learning algorithm can identify 500 people, who go on to be shot within 18 months.

by Sara B. Heller and Max Kapustin

Econofact, November 2022

I find the message stunning.

The Issue:

The Facts:

  • America stands out from its peers in its high level of gun violence. The total U.S. homicide rate is, on average, over 7.5 times higher than those of other industrialized economies (see chart).  Guns are the key factor behind this disparity: while just 17% of homicides are due to firearms among America’s peers, in the U.S. guns were responsible for 79% of homicides in 2020. In contrast, the rate of non-gun homicides in the U.S. is comparable to, or slightly higher than, that of its peers. 
  • The number of homicides per 100,000 population in the U.S. dropped substantially over the 1990s, but has been rising rapidly of late. The overall U.S. homicide rate is still about 30% below its early 1990s peak. However, homicide rates since 2019 have approached or surpassed their highest levels ever recorded in some cities across the U.S., including PhiladelphiaMilwaukee, and Austin. And firearm homicides are only a fraction of the full extent of gun violence: for each person fatally assaulted with a gun, roughly five more suffer non-fatal but often life-altering injuries. 
  • Gun violence in the U.S. is disproportionately concentrated in disadvantaged communities and among young men of color. Across a range of cities, gun violence rates are consistently highest in neighborhoods with high rates of concentrated poverty and historical disinvestment. For example, in 2021, just six of Chicago’s 77 neighborhoods accounted for almost one third of the city’s shooting victims despite containing less than 10% of its population. Just as these neighborhoods are often segregated by race and ethnicity, so, too, does access to basic safety in America exhibit a stark racial disparity. The leading cause of death for non-Hispanic Black men aged 15-24 is homicide, accounting for more deaths among this population than the next nine leading causes combined. Young Black men die of homicide at over 18 times the rate of their non-Hispanic White peers and well above the rate of young Hispanic men (see chart below). 
  • Efforts to reduce gun violence through gun regulation are the subject of heated controversy and, if anything, the legal environment for owning and carrying guns in the U.S. has grown more permissive in recent years. In 1980, only five states guaranteed concealed carry permits to all qualifying residents or did not require a permit at all. Despite some tightening of gun restrictions in the 1990s, including the Brady Bill and the federal assault weapons ban (which lapsed in 2004), recent policy has moved in the other direction. The Supreme Court’s decisions in Heller (2008) and McDonald (2010) expanded the right to possess a gun. By the end of 2021, 42 states adopted “right-to-carry” or “permitless carry” laws, and the Court’s recent decision in Bruen is likely to further expand gun carrying outside the home. While earlier research suggested that increased concealed carrying deters violent crime, later studies have called this finding into question, and the best available evidence today suggests that it will increase violent crime committed with firearms. The evidence is clear, however, that greater gun availability increases the lethality of violence (see here chapter 10).
  • Community-led efforts to reduce gun violence by reaching the people at highest risk of being a victim or offender are gaining momentum and show promise. One such approach, known as violence interruption, involves mediating active disputes and fostering community norms of non-violence. Evidence about its effectiveness is “mixed at best” (see here p 47). A complementary approach, which many cities are pursuing, involves community violence interventions (CVIs) that try to identify the small group of people thought to be at highest risk of gun violence and intervene with them, often by providing services intended to reduce that risk. While social programs to prevent less serious types of violence like basic assault have been successful in a number of settings, the ability of CVIs to find people at high risk of shooting or homicide and keep them safe remains an open question and an active focus of research. In a research paper with colleagues, we find that it is possible, using data such as arrest and victimization records that cities already collect, to accurately identify specific people at high risk of being shot without introducing the kinds of racial bias that are of most concern in algorithmic prediction. For example, a machine learning algorithm trained on such data in Chicago can identify 500 people, almost 13 percent of whom go on to be shot within 18 months. Providing this group with preventive social services — without the involvement of law enforcement — could potentially have a city-wide impact on gun violence in the short-term. Such services, which often combine jobs or payments with psychological interventions like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), are being tried in a number of jurisdictions. But we currently lack rigorous evidence about their effectiveness. In a randomized study with colleagues of an intensive, targeted CVI — READI Chicago — we find promising, if not definitive, early results. Providing 18 months of outreach, jobs, and CBT may reduce shooting and homicide arrests, with a benefit-cost ratio of at least 3.8 to 1. But more research is needed to better understand whether this result is replicable.

What this Means: