Managing bad political behavior in a cool, strategic manner
I want to use a tweet by Josh Marshall of TPM to make a broader point about strategic thinking in politics, the situation in the Republican House, and state of competition between Democrats and Republicans.
Here is Mashall’s tweet:
I don’t know what prompted this tweet. I assume Marshall is criticizing media coverage of some aspect of the McCarthy fiasco. I certainly do not want to defend conventional media coverage of Trump or the Republican party. But from a strategic point of view, Democrats should try to make accurate predictions of how their Republican opponents will behave, and that means (mostly) assuming they are morally bad actors – that they are too concerned with re-election to challenge Trump, that they have no constructive policies they are working for and reject even the most essential welfare-state policies, that they are willing to leverage social divisions to advance their careers and their nihilistic policy agenda, etc. – and not falling into the trap of thinking that moral criticism will change their behavior. Democrats need to view Republicans like the weather, or more accurately like a semi-rational and largely amoral opponent. Democrats need to manage the consequences of bad Republican behavior in a cool, strategic way.
My point is not that newspaper stories should always take the point of view of democratic strategists and take the bad behavior of Republicans as a brute fact. The media certainly should not blame Democrats for the intransigence and anti-democratic behavior of Republicans. But taking a coolly strategic point of view is important, and it is important for Democratic leaders and activists and voters to learn to think this way. At the end of the day, the party that comes out on top of the current competitive deadlock may well be the party that persuades its base voters and activists of the need to compromise on policy and to tone down rhetoric to appeal to cross-pressured voters.
Doing this requires that Democrats – office holders, party officials, activists, voters – think strategically about politics, and that means not just engaging in moralistic criticism of Republicans. Of course Republicans “deserve” moral condemnation, and it is important for Americans to understand this. I suspect this is Marshall’s point. But a moralistic approach to politics can alienate cross-pressured voters who feel criticized by Democrats. (On this, point Hilary Clinton is repeating her “deplorables” error, this time by arguing that Trump supporters need to be “deprogrammed”. Really?) And sometimes the best way to get what you want is not to engage in rhetorical maximalism on policy or ideology. Defunding the police is a bad idea, but arguing for defunding the police is politically crazy even if you think it’s a good idea. Most Democrats understand this.
I believe the Democrats have an edge when it comes to persuading their officeholders, activists, and voters of the need to think strategically rather than moralistically. The 2020 democratic primary electorate rallied around Biden. Pelosi protected her moderates. By and large, the left wing of the Democratic caucus understands they are not a majority. Perhaps at least a small part of this is due to the fact that the mainstream press wrote lots of often fatuous stories about the psychology of Republican voters. I don’t watch Fox often, but I doubt Republicans are being invited to think about what matters to liberals and centrists. Another factor, emphasized by Seth Masket, is that Trump won in 2016 after the plutocratic elites in the Republican party spent years telling Republican culture war voters that they needed to moderate – that is, to be strategic. This “lesson” will have to be unlearned before Republican voters can be persuaded to think strategically about winning elections.
Finally, turning to the situation in the House, the prospects for a protracted stalemate seem high. Scalise and Jordan will insist on keeping the motion to vacate rules in place to placate the Freedom Caucus. Now a significant number of moderates are insisting on changing the rule (HT political wire) which would give the speaker some ability to move compromise legislation and prevent extremists in the Freedom Caucus from triggering a debt default or government shutdown or perpetrating some other kind of misguided mischief.
There is a certain logic to the intransigence of the Freedom Caucus: even the craziest among them are worried about being primaried from the right. Perhaps the moderate Republicans will try to come up with a bipartisan solution to the standoff. But the fact that Republicans are in this situation to begin with shows how little ability they have to talk strategic sense to their base voters. And at least to some extent, this may reflect the failure of right-wing media to match efforts (however imperfect) of the mainstream press to get Democrats at all levels to think about incentives.
I’m having a difficult time parsing this post. I’ve followed Josh for years and subscribe to TPM. AFAIK, his bottom line is that the minority party *never* supports the power of the majority party. That’s what the speakership is. We’re not talking about the budget, or aid to Ukraine. We’re talking about majority party governance, full stop.
McCarthy was doomed from the beginning because of the single vote to vacate policy. Until that changes, no speaker can function to advance governance. And Democrats had zero stake in McCarthy’s speakership. He lied and reneged on agreements, so he could never be trusted. He had open contempt for the Democratic minority. McCarthy was hoist on his own petard. His political career is dead by his own hand. Good riddance.
As a counterpoint, the historical and comparative experience from other countries which have experienced far-right uprisings is very clear that the far right will seize power unless the rest of the polity unifies against them.
It doesn’t take much for a band of dedicated extremists with the support of 1/3rd of the population to take over a country, either directly or by causing enough disruption that the other 2/3rds throw their support behind a dictator who promises to make the economy work again. As much as the DC chattering class refuse to accept it, this is the situation that the US finds itself in at the moment.
Either the Freedom Caucus-MAGA-Trump axis is stopped or the US will wind up with a man on a horse as a leader, sooner rather than later.
As much as it is distasteful for the nominal ‘opposition’ party to support people like McCarthy during normal times, these are not normal times. Denying right-wing extremists the ability to exercise a veto over the operation of government is far more important than coping with a little discomfort.
Looks like McCarthy will resign before completing his term. This was always about him and not about his constituents or the American people.
Marshall’s point is that the press and pundits have totally different standards for reporting on Democrats and Republicans which gives the latter an immense advantage. I’m not sure what your argument is. The Democrats are playing a reasonable strategy. It’s like Gary Hart’s statement on Watergate that it’s time to let the “Republicans stew in their own juice”.
The Republican party is melting down, and there is no point for the Democrats to get involved and try to “save” them. If the Republicans shut the government down, that’s something the Republicans have decided to do. If the Republicans can’t approve a new budget. That is something the Republicans were unable to do.
Already, the press is trying to blame the Republican dysfunction on the Democrats somehow. It even sounds like you are trying to do so. Anything the Democrats do to “help” which just make it easier for the press to pin the entire problem on them rather than on the Republicans. That’s what the press wants to do, but the Republicans have been making it increasingly difficult.
The Democrats have finally figured this out.
“I’m not sure what your argument is. “
If this refers to me, I agree with you and with Josh. Sorry if I didn’t make that completely clear.
The GOP is projecting yet again. Suggesting that the Dems should are guilty of what they themselves did. Not protecting Speaker McCarthy. It may be fair to assert that they simply couldn’t do this, but the Dems could. The Dems took a lot of disparagement from the far-right Freedom Caucus and did not care to save McCarthy when they could have, perhaps because of the disparagement they took from him also.
I’m not sure what the ‘mainstream’ GOP (if there really is one) could have done here. They seem to feel Trump leads the party, and he did not want McCarthy saved, evidently. But they have no business assuming that the Dems would do what they could not.
But it’s no surprise that they are blaming the Dems. It’s always the Dems fault, isn’t it?
(Umm, NO, it isn’t.)
Marshall discussed “pundits” not Democratic party strategists. In particular, his complaint is that GOP craziness is not criticized or even mentioned. There is a difference between how a partisan strategist should think about the other party and how a pundit who claims to be above the fray reports on the two parties. Thus in 2016 poll respondents rated Trump as more trustworthy than Clinton. Poll respondents rate Democrats as more extreme than Republicans.
(first hit of first Google search)
Someone has not been doing their job correctly. They are not Democratic strategists. In any case you, but not Marshall, chose to discuss Democratic stategists. He discussed pundits who are not the same people which you discuss.
A majority of the House did not want McCarthy to continue as Speaker. The overwhelming majority of that majority were Democratic members. I don’t have a problem with that, but if the end result of that is thought of as some kind of horrendous disarray that damages the country somehow then the party that voted 100% for that result maybe has more to explain than the party that voted about 4% for it. But I don’t think it’s much of a disaster at all.
The ‘overwhelming majority’ of Dems in the House is still not a majority, alas.
Whenever selection (also de-selection?) of the House speakership is voted upon, it is generally along party lines. Dems almost always vote for their guy, GOP for theirs.
As I recall, the GOP goofed up on this in the 14th ballot for McCarthy and almost managed to get Hakim Jeffries elected Speaker. How cool would that have been?
That sounds like blaming the victim. House democrats didn’t choose McCarthy in the first place. Then he lied about the budget process, agreed to a phony impeachment investigation of Biden, publicly dissed Democrats and make plain that he would not negotiate with them.
Please explain why House Democrats should have supported McCarthy. Take all the time you need.
If Dems had voted ‘present’ instead of ‘nay’ that would have allowed the majority of GOP reps that wanted to hold on to McCarthy to keep him, yes?
That they didn’t suggests they were ok with him not being Speaker any more.
That’s what he gets for not missing an opportunity to dump on Dems.