Dog Bites Man
New York Times political reporter focuses on a minor issue involving Democrats and not the utter collapse and insanity of the Republican party.
One might think that the story of leading candidate Donald Trump casually revealing top secret information was worth further discussion aside from the article printed on page A3.
One might imagine that the complete inability of Republicans in the House of Representatives to do anything non desctructive is worth a mention.
One might imagine that the Fentanyl overdose epidemic is worth discussing (worth another post here – really I meant to write that post and not this post).
But Peter Baker thinks the big news is: dog bites man. Literally. That’s what he choses to discuss. Now. Today.
I wish I thought this was deliberate self parody.
I actually think that this is an important problem with the New York Times and other elite MSM organs.
The spirit of Judy Miller continues to thrive at the NYT. I stopped reading it years ago.
Having been in a branch of the US Army that was concerned with secrets, security clearances required, much attention paid to penalties for violation of security regulations, having ‘the talk’ every so often, having to deal with those that do not respect such rules/regulations tends to trouble me still. Visions of needing to spend a few years in Leavenworth, I suppose.
A guy who has been President of the US, and wants to be again, has to know better than to behave this way. It’s disgraceful to put it mildly.
“A guy who has been President of the US, and wants to be again, has to know better than to behave this way.”
Trump doesn’t think the rules apply to him. He never has. And most of the time, he’s been right. I wonder whether that’s finally about to change.
Why would/should they change, as far as he is concerned?
Rules are for the ‘little people’.
It does seem that ‘the little people’ will go often go out of their way to vote for a guy who believes that ‘the rules are for the little people’.
This is the essence of being a Bad Boy President. Flouting the rules.