Simone Gold Goes to Jail
Interesting story popped up on MedPage Today. “America’s Frontline Doctors’ Simone Gold Gets Prison Time”
On March 3, 2022 Ms. Simone Gold filed a brief confessing (line 10) in United States of America v Simone Gold to being inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and regretting going inside.
In a story run on January 12, GOLD gave an interview to The Washington Post where she confessed to being inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and stated that she regretted going inside. download (
Anti-vax doctor Simone Gold agrees to plea in Capitol riot case |
March 3, 2022; Here is a more subdued Simone Gold at her first Court Hearing addressing US District Judge Christopher Cooper.
During her plea hearing, Gold, who had also been facing a felony obstruction charge, did not sound like the outspoken activist she’s been in right-wing media over the past year. She was clearly unhappy and sounding on the verge of tears when she was speaking the words,
“I plead guilty.”
However, at the beginning of the hearing, she did manage to pipe up to correct US District Court Judge Christopher Cooper, who had addressed her as “Ms. Gold.” Never one to let people forget about her elite educational background, she informed the judge,
“I never go by Ms. Gold. I always go by Dr. Gold.”
Insurrectionist Doctor Simone Gold Pleads Guilty to Jan. 6 Charges – Mother Jones
Pre – March 3rd, Gold remained active politically and medically. After the March 3rd Hearing and admitting guilt, Judge Cooper warned her he could still sentence her more harshly. In other words, behave . . .
On June 16, Gold was sentenced. Judge Cooper reiterated some of Gold’s arguments and then lauched into his sentencing dialogue.
“But what I haven’t heard is anything about the five people who died that day. Of the four people who committed suicide because of the trauma that they suffered that day at the hands of the mob. Or the members of Congress or the 20-year-old or 25-year-old staffers who were behind those doors when chaos was breaking out all around them and not knowing whether they would be able to go home with their families.”
Cooper told Gold she is “obviously very bright and professionally accomplished, and clearly take great pride in that as you rightfully should.”
But, he said, “that actually counted against her.”
“because you should have known what you were doing. You’re unlike many of the other defendants I see who were misled or hoodwinked into coming to D.C. that day, he said. I think you well knew what you were doing.”
America’s Frontline Doctors’ Simone Gold Gets Prison Time | MedPage Today
After explaining his reasoning and stating Gold’s defense fund raising was an affront to those who died or were injured during the insurrection in which Gold participated, he pronounced sentencing. Judge Cooper went lower than either the DOJ or pretrial services recommendations sentencing Gold to 60 days in jail and a $9,500 fine. The largest individual fine imposed by a judge in a Capitol riot case to date. Gold will remain on supervised release for 12 months after serving her 60-day sentence.
Some feel privileged and believe they do not have to account for their actions.
I wish I knew more about what she thought she was doing. As for “privilege,” 60 days is a pretty light sentence for what some would call treason. On the other hand, the “hoodwinked” rioters thought they were fighting against treason themselves, and I don’t want to contribute to that tragedy.
Her insisting on being called “doctor” strikes me as having what I would call a psychological problem, but then that’s what I think of Putin…there is a point where a “psychological” problem becomes something most people would call evil…something they feel they have to protect themselves against.
“Cooper told Gold she is “obviously very bright and professionally accomplished, and clearly take great pride in that as you rightfully should.”
But, he said, “that actually counted against her.”
Well, fuck this judge. Counted against her to the point that he gave her a sentence less than the DOJ and/or the pretrial services recommendations.
She got her Badge of Honor for the RWDWs and it only cost her 2 months.
I am laughing. You have not experienced what I (we) experienced in the courts of America. One awfully good and well-known attorney believed us. It still did not matter.
Remember too, this is a Federal Prison. There will be no conveniences such as clothing, etc. It will be a rude shock.
As an attorney also, she will probably be disbarred and I am confident more will take place with this princess.
I don’t know what “disbarred” means for a physician. They aren’t members of the bar. Moreover, her lapses of judgement in no way constitute medical malpractice as commonly understood.
Would I like to see her medical license yanked? Yes. Are there procedural grounds for removing her license to practice medicine base on her bad girl behavior in the Capitol? Not as far as I know.
I’m glad she’s going to prison, however briefly.
She is also an attorney. I assumed we all knew such. I will clarify,
For the Dr, it is something that she will need to report to the licensing board. If not right away, the next renewal. It is a problem for her.
Then again, seems many professionals can just move to a new state it seems an not be found out.
Where I come from when you buy the ticket you take the ride …
Ten Bears
A little harsh. We need to protect ourselves from those who would harm us, whether evil or just insane. But the spirit of punishment is itself one of the greatest evils that afflicts humankind.
“Yeah, after all she did not succeed in overturning the government of the United States.”
No court ever gave me the benefit of the doubt.
How cliche` do you want to get? Don’t do the crime if you can’t pay the time? I’m sure you’ve heard that one, how different is it from buy the ticket take the ride?
I didn’t say anything about “punishment”, you did …
Ten Bears
“do the time” is punishment.
isn’t that what you meant by “take the ride”?
by “how cliche”? do you mean I would have preferred the original clever sound bite to your version?
actually i have an aversion to all clever sound bites that stop thinking about all the other consequences, intended or otherwise.
yep. That spirit of punishment. We probably should invoke the death penalty. But then what happens when we need to overthow the government. Say. after the Trumpists win the next “free and fair” election.
Jefferson tried to get Burr hanged for treason. Only three juries found Burr innocent. But Jefferson won the right to write history, if not the opera.
Lincoln, on the other and did not think it wise to charge Southern soldiers with treason. I am not sure what he thought about their leaders. But the fact that none of them were convicted of treason (and only one, I think, was charged…and that was after Lincoln was dead) suggests that he was right.
Seems I missed the insurrection in 2001 and 2017.
I’d rather have hot nails driven into my eyes than continue this discussion with you.
That’s okay Mike.
a famous person had nails driven into his flesh in order to illustrate the evil of punishment. I am afraid he lost the argument. You seem to have gotten the lesson backwards yourself.
I prefer to skip the argument myself. See how easy it is to agree?
Oh, the hot nails. I can see where that would make it hard to see.
Dale is a lying troll. Don’t feed the troll. Starve it.
I have been trying very hard to NOT troll you. Calling me a liar in the good old days would have gotten you an invitation to Weehawken. If you can’t see yourself, at least try to practice better manners.
just as a matter of logic, disagreeing with you is not the same as lying.
We do have a problem I think, in this nation with understanding prosecution vs persecution. Not enough prosecution when needed and to much of it turning into persecution for those who don’t rate privilege when being prosecuted.
Her sentence will be a true injustice if those who led her to her crime are not prosecuted without privilege.
Her sentence with be a true injustice if the elections do not stop the move toward the one party rule the Republicans are working to construct.
And this fits the topic of Simone Gold how???
my guess would be that the topic is the attempted coup by the Republicans. slums down my throat pretty good as “on topic.”
adds a little spice in that the coup is not over yet.