Michigan, Do Not Be Fooled – You Just Lost More Than You Got in Return

No Fault Auto Insurance

On May 30th, the Democratic Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer, signed what was called a bipartisan effort by the Republican controlled legislature and a few of the Democratic members to solve the problems of expensive automotive insurance in Michigan. Due to redlining, other nefarious schemes, and a lack of transparency to how fees were calculated, No Fault Insurance in Detroit was substantially higher than in other areas. It is true the state’s no fault insurance has been a cost burden on many people; but, every attempt made to understand the whys of the costs were stopped by Republicans. The lack of transparency in how the fees for the Personal Injury Protection portion of No Fault insurance were calculated, how fees to doctors and hospitals are set, and how much is in the PIP fund resulted in a constant battle. In this case, a helpful life care plan rebuttals will assist you in fairly addressing it legally.

With the revision, Republicans have left Michigan constituents with an over priced commercial healthcare insurance plan which does not mirror the care provided by No Fault’s Personal Injury Plan (PIP). Republicans have promised there will be a decrease in premiums. Yes, there probably will be such but it will not be equivalent to want has been lost in benefits and the payout may be reduced by increases in other areas.

Over the last couple of weeks Republican Senate Leader Mike Shirkey and the Republican House Leader Lee Chatfield have led the Republican controlled Senate and House along with a few Dems to pass a bill gutting the present No Fault Insurance in Michigan and stranding constituents. The new bill relies on Commercial Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid plans to replace life time Personal Injury Protection and guts the protections of No Fault. It does lessen the cost of Automobile Insurance but it also calls out for a 200 to 240% payment to hospitals and clinics for care. The CBO already studied Commercial Healthcare Insurance cost as compared to Medicare and found Commercial Healthcare pays 89% more than Medicare. The Republicans new plan is a large giveaway to the Healthcare Industry.

This is an abbreviated article of what was written by RN Julia Pulver of Medium Magazine who took the time to review the recent legislation passed by the Michigan Legislature before Memorial Day. RN Julia Pulver is a certified nurse case manager who worked in the field of catastrophic injury for 5 years.

In a planned nontransparent manner reminiscent of what the lame duck legislature did before the reins of the Governorship were handed over to Governor Whitmer, the Republican majority-controlled legislature passed legislation pre-Memorial day, sent it off to Governor Whitmer and asked her to sign it. This to similar to an attempt by a lame duck legislature when the governorship was changing hands earlier this year. No one has had time to review the bill and its potential issues. The Republicans are hoping Whitmer would just sign it, she did, and having felt boxed into a no-win situation.

Such a ploy by Republicans was to also avoid feedback and prevent input from those who already use this valuable portion of No-Fault Insurance covering the results of serious automotive injury. It is being done in such a manner to prevent experts such as RN Julia Pulver from having any input. It is being rushed off to Governor Whitmer’s desk to be signed (and I would urge Governor Whitmer to veto it) before Michigan constituents are aware of what they will lose.

Under the guise of equating Healthcare Insurance Medical benefits to No Fault Personal Injury Protection benefits, the Republican led bipartisan effort are applauding their efforts to take away protections resulting from automotive accidents. Furthermore (redundant alert here), there is no comparison between commercial Healthcare Insurance Medical Benefits and Personal Injury Protection Benefits as the former is only a part of the later.

Also keep in mind, the legislation will allow for medical payments 2 to 2.4 times of what Medicare allows for the same treatment. A Congressional Budget Office analysis had determined the average payout by commercial healthcare insurance is 89% higher than what Medicare pays out. This legislation allows more than twice such at 200 and 240% resulting in a big giveaway to Michigan hospitals, clinics, and doctors.

As researched by RN Julia Pulver, the following is what Michigan constituents will lose now that Governor Whitmer has signed this legislation:

• Coverage for wage loss for three years following an accident, usually 80% of your base wages, paid in real time, while you’re out of work.

• Coverage of guardianship costs for people with brain injuries.

• It pays for a home health aide who can help you with your activities in your own home.

• It pays for replacement services to offset the cost of household needs ( mow your lawn, etc.).

• It pays for modifications to your home and car if you are wheel chair bound or unable to use stairs.

• It pays for an occupational therapist to come to your home, assess what modifications need to be made, and determine the number of care giver hours you require to ensure you are safe in your home and everyone’s care needs are appropriate.

• It pays for an independent nurse case manager to be your patient advocate.

• It pays for long term rehab and community-based care allowing disabled patients to achieve and maintain as much mobility and independence as possible.

• It pays for intensive therapies for children to help physically recover and maintain their cognitive and physical abilities into adulthood.

• It pays for therapists to help injured people re-learn their jobs or find new jobs or skills to continue and lead meaningful lives following injuries.

• It provides transportation for those who can’t drive following an accident, get to their appointments, pick up prescriptions, and stay on track with their recovery. This keeps them out of the ER saving money in the end.

I would also urge you to read RN Julia Pulver’s more detailed article which can be found at the “Medium” to better understand the result of this legislation.

Do Not Be Fooled- You Just Lost More Than You Got.” RN Julia Pulver BSN, CCM; Medium, May 28, 2019

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