Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The “Imperative Mandate” — Recall: An Annotated Bibliography

Recall of elected officials is both the essence of Populism, the “imperative mandate” and consistent with good business principles. “You’re fired!, the voters’ version of “The Apprentice”: An analysis of local recall elections in California.” Rachel Weinstein, Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, Vol , 15. 2005-2006. The title of this 2005 article contains the delicious irony of […]

PPACA Repeal and How to Make Reconciliation Work for You.

In this post, I am going to expand upon the impact of the new House Rules H. RES. 5 upon the Repeal of the PPACA. As I explained here Paul Ryan deliberately changed the House Rules and the Republicans following party line approved them with the exception of 3 who voted with the Democrats. The […]

Constitutional Crisis ?

To Recap what everyone knows now (in case anyone reads this months from now) On January 27th Donald Trump signed an executive order suspending the refugee admission program for 120 days and blocking US entry for citizens of 7 countries for 30 days. The order was written without input from the Justice, Homeland Security, State […]

Trade agreements have harmed manufacturing employment

 by New Deal democrat Dear Prof. DeLong: wherein I say you are wrong, trade agreements have harmed manufacturing employment. I: Germany actually undercuts your case Prof. Brad DeLong in an article earlier this week made a bold claim:  that “US trade agreements have not substantially harmed manufacturing employment. Period.”    I am making the equally […]

Emails from the “Voter Fraud” Crypt

Why, oh why is there not an effective opposition party in the U.S. Congress? The last time “voter fraud” was as high on the GOP’s agenda as it now is on Trump’s, it led to the politically-motivated firing of nine U.S. Attorneys, which caused a scandal that resulted in the resignation of Attorney General Alberto […]