Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Minimum Wages and Productivity

Originally published at Econospeak by Peter Dorman Minimum Wages and Productivity I had a chuckle reading a report in today’s New York Times that describes a pair of papers on the minimum wage presented at the recently-concluded economics meetings in Chicago, especially the first, an experimental study by John Horton of NYU.  Horton set up […]

Millions Are Uninsured

When People claim “Millions Are Uninsured Under the PPACA,” it is a garbage statement meant to elicit a negative reaction without going into the detail of who is uninsured and why. Repeatedly Charles Gaba, Maggie Mahar, Commonwealth Fund, Urban Institute, Kaiser Foundation, etc. have explained the numbers and the whys of the uninsured, most of […]

When Did Hillary Lose the Election? In 1964.

The half-century story of Democrats’ abdication and decline By Steve Roth. Publisher, Evonomics On January 1, 1964, John F. Kennedy posthumously initiated the half-century decline of the Democratic Party, beginning its descent into this moment’s dark and backward abysm of slime. His massive tax cuts for the rich, implemented in ’64 and ’65, were the turning point and […]

Graduation 2010 – Daviess County, KY

An acquaintance was talking about a program called Graduation 2010 which was implemented in public schools in Daviess County, KY (total county population just south of 100K). Here’s an article from 2003: Michelle Hancock doesn’t need to read brain research books. She reads her children. One got in on the start of an experimental brain-building […]