The Cost of Repealing the PPACA
Would love to tell you; but, Randian House Leader Paul Ryan along with most of the Republicans voted on a Bill restricting the CBO from examining what the cost would be. The vote was 234 Repubs “for” restricting the CBO to 193 (190 Dems + 3 Repubs) against restricting the CBO examining the cost automatically. I wonder why they are afraid of the CBO examining the cost resulting from the repeal of the PPACA?
An earlier June 2015 study had this information. “Excluding the effects of macroeconomic feedback—as has been done for previous estimates related to the ACA (and most other CBO cost estimates)—CBO and JCT estimate that federal deficits would increase by $353 billion over the 2016–2025 period if the ACA was repealed.” CBO Estimate. I chose the harsher number as this I believe is a fairer numeric to take into consideration. A lesser number is $137 billion over the same 10 years.
I suspect the number is higher as the Repubs are restricting the CBO from weighing in on their plans.
i think the reason is that if it should show red ink, regulations they’ve already written would mean they could not use reconciliaton to repeal it, and would hence need 60 votes in the Senate…
Not something I had thought of; but, I do kind of remember it while reading about the Risk Corridor. Lots of detail and I sometimes forget it.
This is why the left gets so pummeled by the right politically. We play by Marquess de Queensbury rules, they play by Machiavellian rules. They have no shame, nothing is too outrageous for them to do. I just wish one day some leader on the left would just read an LBJ or FDR bio and learn how to play hardball. Please, someone show up that can put these people into a box.
How long have you known me? 10-12 years from Slate to here? I like to fight back with facts. Just like Obama said, “So here’s what my plan does. If you have health insurance, then you don’t have to do anything. If you’ve got health insurance through your employer, you can keep your health insurance, keep your choice of doctor, keep your plan.” The key word there is employer something which the media and the Republicans dropped and the average citizen did not investigate.
In 2010, HHS said this: “Three years earlier Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had called a press conference to announce that under the ACA, “43 million Americans working for small companies” would be moving to new plans. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis joined her to explain that the new plans would give workers “all of the protections of Obamacare.”
In a press release HHS spelled out the numbers: “roughly 42 million people insured through small businesses will likely transition from their current plan to one with the new Affordable Care Act protections over the next few years,” along with “17 million who are covered in the individual health insurance market.”
I said the same thing also in an AB post. It did not matter as people heard what they wanted to hear. I think Biden could be that person
Easy to talk about what FDR and LBJ did.
Totally different times, totally different politics.
Ever wonder why FDR excluded blacks from most of the New Deal? Or why he would not make lynching a federal crime?
Waste of time to talk about what does not eixist.
Who cares. I want a naked repeal and no replacement. I want the “minority” of Republican voters to get what they deserve. This is what they voted for, give it to them.
The Rage:
I was not the one who did the rant on “single payer” and those that did know who they are besides not knowing what they were talking about, and were attempting to create discontent with the PPACA (it has its issues which could be resolved), and refused to understood the likelihood of achieving “single payer” was slim to none. Not saying you did say any of this. We sabotage ourselves and do not recognize by advocating in a lockstep manner, like Lemmings, something we have little knowledge of much less the opportunity of achieving. Now you are suggesting we should go off the cliff and into the sea without putting up a fight when we ourselves have been the cause of much of this by attacking the healthcare we had in place. We gave them the ammo to use by saying the PPACA is crap (go to other blogs to see this word in use) and constantly attacking it, or advocating like Anne at Economists View (called her out on it too, “oh I never did that”) with worn out phrases which were explained repeatedly as to not have merit.
The harm caused to those who gained from this will be extensive. When you look at the overall gains from this to ESI group insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, etc; this is one hell of a loss to take and ignore as they will pay the price. The loudest complaints were from the individual market or ~12 million of the insured which is the smallest portion and it is here the Republicans claimed were the biggest portion.
You really can not walk away with out a fight or you will look bad again and Repubs will say you rolled on the PPACA and gave up. Think about it before you submit . . .