Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

IMF Says Tax the Rich to Make Up the Deficits and Fight Income Inequity

Recent article by AFP cites an IMF report suggesting that countries fighting deficit spending should simply “Tax the Rich” in income more. in its Fiscal Monitor report, subtitled “Taxing Times”, the Fund advanced the idea of taxing the highest-income people and their assets to reinforce the legitimacy of spending cuts and fight against growing income […]

Costs plus in pharmacy

Lifted from comments on Conundrum on waste and value in American healthcare deserves a nod. Reader Denis points us to this NYT article: The soaring cost of a simple breath “The arsenal of medicines in the Hayeses’ kitchen helps explain why. Pulmicort, a steroid inhaler, generally retails for over $175 in the United States, while […]

Breast Cancer: Catching Up With Amy Berman, a Woman Who Chose Life Over Longevity

On Breast Cancer and the chose of life over longevity, Maggie Mahar; The Healthbeat  Blog Life Over Longevity HealthBeat readers may remember the two-part post that I wrote about Amy Berman back in October of 2011. Part 1 began: “When Amy Berman was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer a year ago, she made a […]

Dynamic model of tax transfers may see effective demand as an attractor state

A comment by Arne in a previous post raised the idea that a tax transfer from capital to labor would raise the effective demand limit. So a video was made using the dynamic model for the circular flow to test his idea. As it turns out, the model shows that the natural real GDP equilibrium […]

Can Demography Explain Portugal’s Growth Slump…

Can Demography Explain Portugal’s Growth Slump Before The Crash? The above still comes from a recent Financial Times video entitled “Portugal’s Brain Drain”, which I encourage everyone to watch. The issue being raised revolves around the current acceleration of emigration from countries on the EU periphery, largely towards the EU core. Typically the emigrants are […]