Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Unsolicited Advice to Makers of Computers

by cactus Unsolicited Advice to Makers of Computers – From a Heavy User I have three Windows based PCs, and the ex-GF has a Mac. One of the Windows based PCs is a desktop, all the rest of our machines are laptops. One is a mini purchased three months ago, and the oldest machine (the […]

In Which Gred Mankiw Displays Alarming Ignorance about that Giant Glowing Red Triangle Across the River

Robert Waldmann Suggests that serious readers go read Brad Delong’s comment on Greg Mankiw’s comment on Paul Krugman’s assertion that George Will and Gred Mankiw are “either remarkably ignorant or simply disingenuous.” Totally asking for it, Mankiw also commented on Krugman’s post referring to DeLong and Krugman as a tag team. I just want to […]

Possibly a Great Paper.

I subscribe to too many RSS blog feeds. So everyone once in a while one pops up and I think, “Should I drop this”? And so it is with Evolutionary Economics, which occasionally seems like a self-parody of what would happen if you recited Economics 101 cant with an added, even-less-scientific, “evolutionary psychology” glean to […]

More from CBO’s ‘Long Term Budget Outlook’

by Bruce Webb In a previous post I highlighted the chapter of CBO’s Long-Term Budget Outlook that pertained to Social Security. But the Report goes beyond that and in fact focuses on two different possible scenarios outlined in the following Table:The shorthand way of defining ‘extended baseline’ is ‘Bush tax cuts expire on schedule’ while […]

WTO signals backing for border taxes

rdan Finacial Times points us to WTO thinking on trade issues and cap and trade agreements. (log in required) Countries implementing cap-and-trade systems for greenhouse gases may be able to use border taxes to protect domestic industries, after the World Trade Organisation gave a cautious nod to such measures. In a report to be published […]

Deja Vu Health Care Reform: Hillary Care is the wrong feeling

by: Divorced one like Bush Ok folks. It’s real, this familiarity with the health care reform debate. It is a real memory you are experiencing, that deja vu feeling. Only, the reason it seems so much as deja vu is because what your being told is the trigger of the deja vu is not the […]

Decimate or Alienate

Robert Waldmann A good sign of a totally bogus argument is reliance on contradictory presumptions of fact. When one is simply wrong, one can often make a convincing argument by inventing facts. When one is being absurd, one can fall into the temptation to invent inconsistent facts. In this article in the Washington Post Ceci […]

Feel the heat

rdan I found this saying over at Oildrum in the comments on a post about asset deflation and price inflation through the rise in prices for oil and some other commodities instead of money/interest rate centered thinking. “People don’t change when they see the light; they change when they feel the heat.” (source unknown) Add […]

20 people killed in Peru in demonstrations

rdan Americas Program, Center for International Policy provided a translation of news from Peru, in relation to the working of the recently signed free trade agreement (Jan. 16, 2009) and effective Feb.1, 2009. Three MI-17 helicopters took off from the base of the National Police in El Milagro at six in the morning of Friday, […]