How Much Should I Spend to See a Movie? (In which I channel McMegan)
While the brood was at Mary Poppins, I took advantage of the Academy Awards rules and went to see Revolutionary Road. The incremental cost was subway fare (arguably a sunk cost, since I have old Metro cards) and the $12.50 NYC film ticket price.
So that was quite rationalisable; met up with an old friend and spent a relatively pleasant couple of hours. (Saw the movie too.)
On the other hand, Defiance opens December 31st. At the Ziegfeld. And that one I can’t not take Shira to see.
So it’s either: spend US$18 for train fare (two r-t) and US$8 possible subway fare (walk slightly over a mile, with timming issues), and ticket price (presumably US$25), and get a babysitter to cover the minimum five hours (and probably more) this hegira would take.
Not to mention how one values ten to twelve person-hours of time with much to get done.
Or wait until it opens on 16 January, and be able to pay C$ (which might still be an advantage then), but not get to see it at The Ziegfeld.