Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

YOU as a congressman

OMB Watch lists some main items needing passing to continue the government, and indicates progress through the Congressional approval maze. This is only a partial list of course, and just a beginning for YOU as a congress critter to analyze. The challenge is to begin to choose how to bring the budget out of the […]

Soc Sec XL: Double books and the ‘No Economist Left Behind’ Challenge

In November of 2004 Dean Baker issued his ‘No Economist/Policy Analyst Left Behind’ challenge. In it he asked people to show that they could produce the 6.5% return on stocks assumed by the Council of Economic Advisors under the actual economic projections of the Intermediate Cost alternative. (Oddly enough for an open and public challenge […]

Windfall Profits tax

What is it with normally reasonable republicans that when it comes to the Windfall Profits Tax that makes them become completely unreasonable and accept the republican spin machine bull about it. I keep seeing at various blogs the claim that the 1980s windfall profits tax caused oil production to fall when the facts clearly show […]

Mode 4 in GATTS agreements to think about

Much has been written on the foundering and significance of the Doha rounds of talks, and how the agricultural policies of nations was the stumbling block. However, notice Mode 4. Center for Policy Reseach and Mode 4 India proposed a policy of treating trade services as commodiities, not people, and the US team agreed. Hence […]

Crossing the line, being fed a line, and toeing the line

Health Beat Blog also has an opinion on how far Big Pharma has gone on producing research and how it is used. When do you say innovation needs to be funded differently in the drug business, and when does advertising become propaganda, and the coercion of the government protecting copyrights and patents need amending. It […]

Soc Sec XXXIX: Pay/Go & Unfunded Liabilities

In the course of the two posts on Backwards Transfers (XXXVI & XXXVII) it became clear that even experts had a somewhat confused concept of the relation of past and future as it comes to Social Security finance. So this post will attempt to add some clarity. Social Security is by design a Pay/Go system […]

Working class

The war on the working class* continues unabatedBy Kathy G. Proving once again why the Wall Street Journal should be required reading for all good lefties, today the paper reports on yet another way corporate America has found to screw the wage slaves among us. As the Journal explains, companies are using our pension funds […]

Wang and Silver on electoral projections

Sam Wang explains why he reports a 99% probability of an Obama win and has only a 62.4% probability. I learned a lot from his post due to my incredible ignorance. I go to often enough that Firefox proposes it first when I type www, but I had never bothered to read the […]

Medicare Reform Working Group

The Century Foundation Medicare Reform Working Group I am delighted to announce that The Century Foundation has created a working group to look at Medicare Reform. I’ll be directing it. We’re going to do the work online, communicating with each other on a closed list-serve. In this way, we’ll be able to get a lot […]

Two Hours Later, All is Well

As noted last week, we are in Montreal, and Videotron was scheduled today to install telephone, television, and internet services. They came through with flying colors. At approximately 12:50, I made a phone call to inquire about the arrival time of the individuals I had been expecting. It was revealed by the representative that they […]