Medicare Reform Working Group

The Century Foundation Medicare Reform Working Group

I am delighted to announce that The Century Foundation has created a working group to look at Medicare Reform. I’ll be directing it. We’re going to do the work online, communicating with each other on a closed list-serve. In this way, we’ll be able to get a lot done without wasting time traveling to meetings. In the end, we’ll issue a report, and then we’ll get together and host a conference with keynote speakers and panels. (See our Press Release below for more information).

We’ll be looking at many of the issues I have been discussing on this blog: how physicians are paid; the secretive panel, dominated by specialists, that sets fees; the need to reward providers for quality, not volume; over-paying for Medicare Advantage; overpaying for drugs; unwarranted regional variations in how much Medicare spends in different parts of the country; the need to squeeze the hazardous waste out of the system; the need for a comparative effectiveness institute that is truly insulated from Congress and lobbyists; the need to co-ordinate care; and the need for health IT.

Rdan here: Further information if interested can be obtained at the website.