Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Advisory and Assistance Services and functional organizations

by reader ilsm There are many ways to erode government management and the public trust aside from careerist public officials: Two other ways I have seen are hiring out Advisory and Assistance Services and the second is contracting out entire functional organizations. The second is referred to as A-76. Mark Mansfield Director of Public Affairs, […]

Petroleum imports numbers all sources

U.S. Crude Oil Imports from All Countries (Thousand Barrels) Decade /Year 1967 411,649 1977 1,935,012 1987 1,705,922 1997 3,002,299 2007 3,656,170 The chart indicates a doubling of imported oil in twenty years. Population has doubled since the sixties. How is the US going to maintain per capita consumption at these levels? How can a market […]

What is up with the leases?

Part of a staff report from reports from EIA and others mentioned. It occurs to me also, is there a difference between a ban and a moratorium? In a Nutshell _ On the Outer Continental Shelf, 82% of federal natural gas and 79% offederal oil is located in areas that are currently open for leasing._ […]

Soc Sec XXII: What if? Low Cost as Fairy Tale

Although a lot of people are aware that ‘Low Cost is Out There’ it is difficult to impossible to find anyone who takes it seriously. Some experts simply dismiss it out of hand (Samwick), others point to the Stochastic Projections and simply deem it unlikely (Biggs), then again others reject it on grounds that run […]

Doctors in the pay of pharma

by rdan An article in Forbes states: Brilliant doctors often work closely with big drug companies, and they seem to like their corporate partners just fine. Too fine, say their vocal critics–no doctor can have objective views about Lipitor when he takes Pfizer’s money to develop or test it. But when the critics are doctors […]

Airline a la carte

Hat tip to coberly for pulling this off the internet…how much is tongue in cheek?Just enough. Do not forget to also tip the pilot for a safe journey. Attendant: Welcome aboard Ala Carte Air, sir. May I see your ticket? Passenger: Sure. Attendant: You’re in seat 12B. That will be $5, please! Passenger: What for? […]

Fed Funds and Average Hourly Earnings

by spencer For all the worries about the Fed having to raise rates this fall to fight inflation I suggest you look at this relationship. It suggests there is little or no reason to worry about either higher inflation or higher fed funds.

Correction of a perception on oil drilling

by rdan In an attempt to keep history accurate about sensible policies, this post points out the obvious source of the ban on drilling for oil off coast. So much for blame your favorite partisan in comments. The NYT mentions that Mr. Bush has long advocated opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska […]