Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Why Bush’s Tax Cuts Failed

As we all know, Bush pushed through two massive tax cuts — “the largest tax relief in history,” according to the Bush campaign. Yet the current recovery is among the weakest in history, as illustrated in the previous post. Shouldn’t the largest tax cuts in history have had more effect? How could such massive tax […]

So How’s That Recovery Doing, Anyway?

It’s time to take stock of how the US economy has recovered from the recession of 2001. Unfortunately, the scorecard is not good; the current recovery is the weakest recovery from a recession in recent history. Why do I say that? Consider the following graphs. Each one shows the progress of a key economic variable […]

Flip Flop

From the Washington Post: Proposal Draws on Advice of 9/11 Panel President Outlines More Budget Powers For Intelligence Chief By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank President Bush yesterday proposed giving a new national intelligencedirector broad powers to plan intelligence agencies’ spending priorities and clandestine activities, making a concession to lawmakers moving to implement the more […]

Rudy G. on Kerry: One Lie Begets Another

Does it seem to you that Bush-Cheney’s campaign is based on the premise that they can lie about everything – and that the public and the press are too stupid to realize this? Rudy Giuliani was a guest on Hardball this Monday. I wish I had a video link and not just the transcript for […]

Repeating Falsehoods

Yesterday George “W is for Wrong” Bush said: To create jobs in America, we must stop the junk lawsuits that threaten our small business owners. The cost to our economy of litigation is conservatively estimated to be over $230 billion a year. As PGL pointed out yesterday, that figure is wrong. Completely wrong. It’s false. […]

Frivolous Lawsuits: Spinning the Cost to Health Care

Several blogs have noted the sad state of the American press as far as challenging blatant lies from this Administration. Sadly No challenges President Bush’s claim that junk lawsuits costs our economy $230 billion per year and links to this, which draws from a number of sources including a statistical compilation by the National Association […]

Deficit Forecasting

I think the numbers in the previous post by Kash would look nice in graphical format. To reiterate, this graph shows the CBO’s projections for the cumulative deficit from 2004 to 2009, as projected in 1/03, 8/03, 1/04, and today. The final bar, labeled “Today (*)” adds $1 trillion to realistically, but conservatively, account for […]

Tax simplification as the cure to all ills

We are below full employment, real wages are falling, national savings is very low, and as Kash and AB note, projected deficits are as far as the eye can see. So what is the game plan for Bush’s second term – tax simplification as noted in his speech on 9/2: “The American people deserve and […]

More Broken Promises

The Bush administration has repeatedly vowed to acheive the very meager budgetary goal of “halving the deficit” in 5 years. Bush himself made such a promise in his state of the union address in January. Today the CBO released its mid-year update on the budget outlook for the next ten years. Here are the CBO’s […]