Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

It Isn’t Secretary Powell: “U.S. strategy is widely accused of being unilateralist by design,” Mr. Powell wrote. “It isn’t. It is often accused of being imbalanced in favor of military methods. It isn’t. It is frequently described as being obsessed with terrorism and hence biased toward preemptive war on a global scale. It most certainly […]

Bush is vulnerable on the Economy There has been a recent poll in which 55% of Americans approve of Bush’s handling of the US economy. Fox News from where I have gotten this poll is saying that this number will show that the Bush re-election is inevitable. However there are several major caveats that need […]

Visceral Communication I am a #1 for Dean, strong supporter and right now it will take a couple of sticks of dynamite to get me off of the Dean campaign, but with that said, I like what I have been hearing from Wesley Clark in the past couple of days. I am firmly convinced that […]

New to the Blogroll The Decembrist–a former high level aide to Bill Bradley and current research director (on sabbatical) of George Soros‘ Open Society Institute. (Via Ruy T.) AB

What is the Face of Next Year’s Politics The Boston Globe is examining the role of the economy in next year’s election using New Hampshire as a case study. It has lost 20,000 jobs during this recession and jobloss recovery but it is starting to add jobs again at a reasonably rapid rate. The economy […]

Consumption Taxes in Disguise Via Matt Yglesias (see Digby as well), I see that consumption taxes are back on the agenda. Here’s Matt, writing about David Brooks’ latest editorial: The program that Brooks describes sounds reasonable enough, but this bundle of proposals is, in fact, designed to accomplish something rather different. The idea is to […]

Tammy Bruce is Everywhere Bob Somerby spent much of the past week dissecting Tammy Bruce (here, here, here, and here) — remind me never to get on his bad side. In case you missed it, Ms. Bruce is a recently hired ‘liberal’ analyst for Fox News, but her liberalism can really make you yearn for […]

Happy Holidays! I’m leaving today to spend a week with some of my family, and before I go I wanted to wish all of you regular Angry Bear readers happy holidays. I also particularly want to say welcome and thanks to fester, who has graciously agreed to help us out through this stretch. It will […]

The Republic of Texas Via Orcinus, Texas separatists are up to it again: But now a newly revived wing of the Republic of Texas is attempting to stage a visible comeback. The group has planted an 1836 Independence flag and declared the unassuming East Texas rail town of Overton their provisional capitol. The group’s so-called […]

Domestic Security Concerns Via Gary at Uber Alles we see that there is a new report out that the largest counter terrorism exercised conducted since 9/11 was “was marred by communications problems, serious shortages of medical supplies and hospital rooms and confusion.” The context to this quote is a simulation of responding to a dirty […]