Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Lengthy Island [Updated]

RATTLING. SIMPLY PLAIN DAMN. CAN ANYBODY ON LENGTHY ISLAND COME TO THIS CANINE’S RESCUE? — Title of this post of mine from Friday as translated by … a computer that lives elsewhere. Sorry.  I couldn’t resist. I don’t live on Lengthy Island, but still thought it was hilarious. Seriously, though: I’m grateful for the repost […]

Damn. Just plain DAMN. Can anyone on Long Island come to this dog’s rescue?

Earlier this week I posted a post titled “Blackie, in Wantaugh, NY.”   Several people—Noni Mausa, Yves Smith (on Naked Capital), Bill H, and Dan Crawford (who made the post a Featured Story)—tried to help out. On Wednesday, Bill reported that Blackie had an approved adopter and would be picked up at the Town of Hempstead Animal […]

Blackie, in Wantagh, NY [Sweet dog still needs a home. 8/23]

I see so many listings about older dogs whose owner can no longer care for him or her, usually because of finances. I just received this sweet, touching email notice,* from Hempstead Animal Shelter in Wantaugh, NY (Nassau County), via, and thought I’d pass it along. *Corrected link, thanks to Noni Mausa.  A note has […]