Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Dividend Taxes, Part I: A Primer; Double-Taxation A primer (skip ahead if you know this): Dividends are profits that are distributed to shareholders. If Angry-Bear-Tech (AB Tech) makes an after tax profit of $10m this year, the CEO and the board must decide what to do with that $10m. Some of it, say $1m, we […]

Just turned on the TV and, flipping through the channels, I come across Bush giving a speech on the economy (I believe he’s in Georgia). The first thing I heard of note was “There’s a blue chip forecasts by economists that predicts growth this year of 3.3%–and that’s positive.” I’ll give him the benefit of […]

It’s a serious subject, I’m sure, but I still think this is funny. AB

The Much Ado About Nothing? Post

by Angry Bear Much Ado About Nothing?   Post For many years, there was a third rail of politics: Social Security. Simply put, don’t f*** with the Grey Lobby. They vote and they have money (and they don’t like it when you try to take it away). The stock market boom of the late 90’s came […]

Calpundit has the heads up on this one, though he highlights a different quote. “The White House team is saying that the Fed chairman has lost sight of the broader thrust of the president’s tax proposals. They claim that Bush has started a major revamp of the tax system, from one that taxes investment and […]

Angry and Timely New in Meme Watch: Consumption Tax Gambit: Taxing the poor by stealth? By Timothy Noah Posted Monday, February 17, 2003, at 2:50 PM PT Coincidental email from Angry Bear to Timothy Noah (twelve hours before the Slate story was posted): Date:Mon, 17 Feb 2003 02:52:54 -0800 (PST) From: “Angry Bear” Subject: […]

How High Would a National Consumption Tax Need to Be? Dave Neiwert interveiws Robert S. McIntyre, an economist at Citizens for Tax Justice. Neiwert, quoting McIntyre: “It becomes pretty hard to run when you get up to a rate big enough to replace the income tax, because you’re going to have to have a 40 […]

This is worth skimming (I saw it on Atrios): Columbia Tape Shows Network Competition. Here’s the fun part NEW YORK – During coverage of the space shuttle Columbia’s disintegration, the folks in CNN’s control room thought the picture they saw on rival Fox News Channel looked familiar. So they tried a little experiment. The producers […]

Stuart Buck cites a editorial by Bruce Bartlett arguing that consumption taxes are not regressive. Bartlett essentially parrots the logic of chapter 5 of the Economic Report of the President: Liberals also make the mistake of assuming that a consumption-based tax system is regressive — taking more out of the pockets of the poor […]