PBS on Blogs Josh Marshall posted yesterday that PBS’s Newshour would run a piece on blogs last night. Not reading TPM yesterday, I missed the show, but the transcript is up now. Who got the big plugs? Instapundit, Sully, Marshall (also quoted extensively), Salam Pax, John Irons (of ArgMax, but they don’t mention the name […]
Economics, Straight Up, Please Prefer your economics straight up, without political ramblings and me complaining about spam and such? Check out It’s Still the Economy. ISTE is a work in progress set up by M.B. of Wampum that is apparently developing into a team blog of left and center-left economic/political (but more economic I think) […]
Rumsfeld on Military History I caught a clip on CNN of Rumsfeld saying something to the effect that the march to Baghdad was the fastest in history. That didn’t sound true, so with the help of Google I found the exact quote (near the end): “Baghdad was liberated in less than a month, possibly the […]
More on Spam ZDNet is your Spam Info Central, for those interested. They have a page dedicated to “Spam 2003: A progress report. The amount of spam grew in March and has almost doubled from last year, threatening to cost businesses $10 billion in 2003. The best tech minds are working feverishly to help you […]
Spam and Taxing Emails Every so often I get a chain email that alleges that Congress is about to levy a tax on email. Then I think to myself, “this email is proof of why that tax might not be such a bad idea”. Not only would an emal tax cut down on chain letters, […]
Slow Day No topic for a new post leaps to mind, but I do try to put something up every day. So instead of insightful commentary and analysis, I’ll just link to this, which I think is funny. (I linked to this back in the first days of the blog, but since I had no […]
No More Deficits The IRS has come up with a clever plan to offset the deficit-creating effects of the Bush tax cuts: More scrutiny of the poor! The Internal Revenue Service is planning to ask more than four million of the working poor who now claim a special tax credit to provide the most exhaustive […]
Brokaw and the Man BROKAW: Why not fold in some of the U.N. inspectors to this effort, not turn it over to them, but make them a part of it? Would that help with the credibility, do you think? THE PRESIDENT: I think there’s going to be skepticism until people find out there was, in […]
Dammit, Moralistic right wingers can really piss me off (In this case, I’m not talking about Sen. Santorum, though I should be). But that just makes it more fun to watch them fall, Jimmy Swaggart style. From Joe Conason, an update on the status of Richard Delgaudio (full story in the Washington Post). Delgaudio was […]
Bush in Ohio Explaining the Dire Need for Tax Relief In Mr. Voinovich’s home state yesterday, Bush said “Some in Congress say the plan is too big. Well, it seems like to me they might have some explaining to do. If they agree that tax relief creates jobs, they why are they for a little-bitty […]