Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Auto Prices and the CPI

Earlier today in discussing auto prices I’m afraid I did not explain myself very well.Let me use actual data and see if I can do better. Because the CPI is quality adjusted what it is showing is the price of buying an earlier model car, if you could. In the chart above I set the […]

All in the phrasing

The phrasing of these projections read just like Social Security crisis projections. I hope some of our friends see the irony of such claims about Social Security if they dislike these statements. The CBO has released a report detailing the effects of indexing the the AMT to inflation (i.e. “patching” it so that fewer households […]

What economics would you teach kids?

by jsalvati What economics would you teach kids? Rdan points to a ‘National Budget Simulation’ program that is apparently part of Massachusetts economics education for grades 4-12. I was surprised when I clicked on the link because the federal budget seems like a really strange place to start economics education. It seems important to start […]

Brad DeLong asks about the top ten econ blogs by net news wire

Brad DeLong asks: Here’s what NetNewsWire throws up as tops in attention in the “economics” category: Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View Alex Tabarrok and Tyler Cowen’s Marginal Revolution Justin Fox’s Curious Capitalist Barry Ritholtz’s The Big Picture James Hamilton’s and Menzie Chinn’s Econbrowser Angry Bear WSJ Real Time Economics […]

Unobserved Country Heterogeneity: GDP Levels or Growth Rates

Have you ever noticed that, when considering the economic performance of different countries, people often just report the GDP growth rate without any corrections for e.g. initial GDP ? It’s as if they thought that countries generally have about the same growth rate and any deviation from the world average is interesting. This is very […]

The housing crisis in pictures

Your house in your eyes… Your house in the buyer’s eyes… Your house in your lender’s eyes 2005 Your house in your lender’s eyes 2008… Your house shortly before foreclosure…

Worth a listen

hat tip reader coberly Fresh Air from WHYY IraqIn Iraq, Tactical Theory Put Into PracticeLt. Col. John Nagl wrote the textbook on counterinsurgency — literally. Nagl was part of the team that drafted a U.S. Army field manual on counterinsurgency. Having completed his tour in Iraq, Nagl talks about how military theory was put into […]

Taxpayer subsidies for roads etc. vs. public transport

reader Laurie sends this great comment (lifted cactus style): My sister-in-law ***************************(director of a system in the US). Here’s the Q I sent her: How do taxpayer subsidies for private transportation (roads etc) compare to subsidies for public? Here’s her answer:Good question. Local roads and highways get much more than transit; the question is how […]

Senators Obama and McCain on Iraq

Hat tip to MG CBS – Senator Obama video and interview transcriptJuly 22, 2008 CBS – Senator McCain video and interview transcriptJuly 22, 2008