Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Most* Americans want to soak the rich

Robert Waldmann Polling results are absolutely clear. Now and for the decades a clear majority of US residents support taking from the rich and … well it doesn’t much matter what. Republicans often argue that this or that would be “class warfare” leading to the guess that they might have some reason to believe that […]

Health Care Reform Hard Ball

Robert Waldmann is a bit irritated with [many] US senior citizens. They want to keep the hands of the government off their medicare.* I don’t want to think what would happen if the government meddled with their social security pensions. Most US senior citizens are acting as egoistical hypocrites. I would like to offer them […]

President’s Proposals would Produce Lower Deficits than Continuing Current Policies

by Bruce Webb That is the subtitle of the new Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) analysis of the Aug 25th CBO and OMB Reports on projected budget deficits that is being injected into the health care debate as a reason for non-action. The CBPP analysis can be read here: New OMB and CBO […]

Guns at town halls and meetings

by cactus Megan McArdle has a series of posts (this appears to be the last of them) about the folks bringing guns to protests or the president’s appearances. Her view – its idiotic, folks who do it are acting like jerks, but there’s nothing wrong with it. I have a few guns. I can’t see […]

Consumer confidence: fluff or thrill

by Rebecca Wilder Thrill. The Conference Board reported that the August consumer confidence index (CCI) jumped 14% in August to 54.06. In contrast, the August University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment index (CSI) fell; but the two generally trend together, and the CSI is subject to revisions reported tomorrow. Confidence can be swayed by current political […]

Republicans: "We come not to praise Caesar, but to bury him"

by Bruce Webb Yeah well Marc Antony was not quite telling the truth, either. You could see this particular re-write of history coming a mile away and it is time to stop this one in its tracks. Both Parties Mourn Loss of Kennedy in Health-Care Debate Three GOP senators suggested in their remembrances of Kennedy […]

Remarks by the Vice President

rdan Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy REMARKS BY THE VICE PRESIDENTON THE PASSING OF SENATOR EDWARD M. KENNEDYThe Department of EnergyWashington, DC THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, Mr. Secretary, thank you and your staff for the privilege of being with you today on what, as I prepared last night, […]