Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Deficit Commission

by Linda Beale The Deficit Commission Ever since Alice Rivlin spoke here at Wayne about her role on the upcoming Deficit Commission and her belief that we must cut entitlements, I have been worried. This seems like the same center-right coalition to undo the New Deal that has been rampaging in the country for four […]

No one could have predicted

Jacob Weisberg wrote The assumption that the rating agencies knew their business, a key enabler of the subprime meltdown, is analogous to the view before the Iraq war that Saddam Hussein had WMD. There are a lot of people now who scoff about what an obvious fallacy that was and not many who can point […]

Is it hedging or casino betting when banks go short on products they have created/sold to customers?

by Linda Beale published on ataxingmatter April 28 Financial reform–the GOP’s “chicken game”; and is it hedging or casino betting when banks go short on products they have created/sold to customers? Edited to add additional links 4/28/10 at 5:35pm As the GOP blocked progress on the Senate finance bill for a third time (56-42) in […]

Real GDP in recoveries

In all the discussions of the real GDP release I did not see this comparison, and I thought it should be made. So far real GDP has increased 2.7% as compared to an average of 4.3% in recoveries since 1950. The range is from a high of 6.8% in 1958 to a low of 1.5% […]

Price elasticity, taxes and wages: Or, why I don’t take wingnut economics seriously

by Bruce Webb It is I think a truism that in any economic enterprise all costs ultimately have to come out of price, that in the end ‘the customer pays’. But what is not true is that price is infinitely elastic, at some point price in and of itself will restrain demand, and while you […]