Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Defining “Reserves”

I’ve run into quite a bit of confusion in conversations discussing bank reserves, and found occasion to get precise on the usage in recent comments. I thought I’d share it with others. This has been vetted by several who are more worthy than I, so I feel quite confident in offering it up. 1. “Reserve […]

The Market Doesn’t Think the Fed Will Ever Sell Those Bonds Back

You know the trillion dollars a year of Treasury and GSE bonds that the Fed’s buying up? (And the $3-trillion+ it’s already holding?) It’s driving up bond prices and suppressing yields, right? And if it starts selling them back, it will drive down prices and increase yields, right? The market should be front-running that, right? […]

Do Collateral Chains Create Real Value?

Some of the keenest monetary thinkers out there, over at FT Alphaville — Izabella Kaminska, Cardiff Garcia, etc. (I’ll even throw in Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge, with qualifications) — have been pointing us for years towards the work of IMF Senior Economist Manmohan Singh on collateral chains in financial markets. He provides wonderfully cogent explanation of […]

Apple’s Tax Rates–just what does Cook’s "way I look at this" mean???

by Linda Beale Apple’s Tax Rates–just what does Cook’s “way I look at this” mean??? There’s been a good bit in the news lately about the way multinational enterprises like Apple, Google, and many others especially in Big Pharm and Big IP actively reduce their US taxes through offshoring that is offshoring-on-paper-only to a large […]

Mainstream thought on Social Security

The NYT offers an editorial on what is becoming mainstream thinking on What’s Next for Social Security? Of course the writing is still short on pointing to the thoroughly researched possibilities for adjusting the program for changing circumstances. The trustees of Social Security recently reported that the retirement system can pay full benefits until 2035, […]

If Interest Rates Rise, We Can Plummet the National Debt!

Dean Baker makes what seems to be a stunningly obvious point, one that I haven’t seen discussed anywhere. Condensed and with emphasis added for your consideration: …the value of our [government] debt will plummet if interest rates rise… we could buy back long-term debt issued today at interest rates of less than 2.0 percent for discounts of […]

Health Care Thoughts: On the Road Again

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: On the Road Again The rest of the week is taken up with a conference, at which I will spend time with health professionals from all 50 states, the professionals including physicians and nurses, executives and managers, lawyers and CPAs, financiers, government regulators, consultants and media. Anyone […]