Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Going Dark–not just an SEC issue, when companies keep their tax classification secret

by Linda Beale Going Dark–not just an SEC issue, when companies keep their tax classification secret Today’s Times includes an interesting piece by Floyd Norris about the problem of companies that are neither private nor public but have (or claim to have) few enough public investors that the SEC allows them to “go dark”–quit reporting […]

Fed Policy and Bond Yields

Update:  Charts and data after the read more. With the Fed completing a two day meeting and Bernanke holding a press conference today  it may be a good time to make a few comments about bond yields. In an open economy with a current account deficit the equilibrium interest rate is the one that attracts […]

Welfare Reform Kills II

Earlier I noted the research of Peter Muennig, Zohn Rosen and Elizabeth Ty Wilde which proves (at all standard confidence intervals) that welfare reform killed people.  I was alarmed that almost nobody but the must read Bill Gardner noticed this research.  Now Dylan Matthews has a long excellent post on the research and other evidence that anti […]

Health Care Thoughts: Conference Wrap-up

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Conference Wrap-up So I do some conferences with a lot of people who are way smarter than me, people literally and figuratively on the cutting edge. What thoughts are dominating health care these days, especially the provider community? Here is a list of frequent talking points, further […]

Guest post: The Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund

Guest post by Michael Cahill The Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund: Why it needs to succeed for America’s Economic Future What will it take for the Affordable Care, known more commonly as Obamacare, to succeed? Realistically speaking it will take a lot of things for the ACA to be a real success, […]

Deliberate and ….

Chart of the Day: America’s 30-Year Project to Make the Rich Even Richer – Here’s a remarkable chart from EPI..  (hat tip rjs) Actually, no: Strike that. It’s true that in a normal world it would be remarkable, but in the world we live in it’s actually totally unsurprising. It illustrates the rise in income […]

Welfare Reform Kills

Starting in 1994, soon before the 1996 welfare reform bill (PRWORA) the state of Florida explored what was roughtly a pilot version the “Family Transition Program” (FTP).  I recall reading at the time that this was the only reformed welfare program with a hard time limit on benefits.   Importantly, Florida officials decided to conduct […]