Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Neo-Fisherite looks beyond the Shocks… response to Mr. Krugman

Paul Krugman wrote today the obvious criticism against the Fisher Effect. He completely based his criticism on monetary shocks, which is a short-sighted view.  He is not thinking beyond the shocks. “And we know what happens after a positive shock to policy interest rates: output and inflation both fall.” Yes, that is obvious, but what […]

Eighty percent of current jobs may be replaced by automation in the next several decades.

That’s the conclusion of Stuart W. Elliott in his recent paper, “Anticipating a Luddite Revival.” (Hat tip: RobotEconomics.) We’ve seen that scale of transformation before. But this one promises to be roughly four times as fast, dwarfing Luddite-era concerns: …the portion of the workforce employed in agriculture shifted from roughly 80% to just a few […]

Social Security under ‘Sustainable Solvency’: Debt & Deficit Revisited

The current Chief Actuary of Social Security is Stephen Goss and on the occasion of the publication of the 75th Anniversary issue of the Social Security Bulletin he contributed what may be the most valuable single piece you will ever read on Social Security financials. The article carried the title The Future Financial Status of […]

Debts, Deficits and Social Security

With the release of Tim Geithner’s new autobiography the old quarrel about whether Social Security does or even can add to “the deficit” has cropped up again. So rather than weigh in let me start from a more neutral spot. CBO produces a document called the Monthly Budget Review and in Nov 2013 it carried […]

Stocks are shaky

Is the sun setting? On April 22nd, I wrote a comment to a reader of my Effective Demand blog. I said… “My view now is that the Dow Jones will make a publicity effort with hopes to get back up to 16800, then come down from there.” The Dow Jones made it to 16715. Today […]

How the Fed Cornered the Long Bond

Fed Treasury Holdings 5-7-2014 The above link should take you to a PDF showing the Fed’s System Open Market Accounts holdings of Treasury Bonds and Notes which the second link will tell you comprise $2.224 trillion of the total $4.017 trillion of SOMA Holdings, with that total including $1.631 trillion of Fannie and Freddie Mac […]

Chris Christie proves himself to be a genius!

The problem we have in this country is not income inequality. It’s opportunity inequality. — Chris Christie, today And since there’s no causal relationship whatsoever between income inequality and opportunity inequality, this is sure to be a winning political message in 2016. Christie made the comment “at a ‘fiscal summit’ hosted by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, which […]

Microfoundations of Inequality and Sabotage

by Sandwichman Microfoundations of Inequality and Sabotage “In sum, these models [efficiency wage] provide a new, consistent, and plausible microfoundation for a Keynesian model of the cycle.” — Janet Yellen (1984). Inequality and Sabotage, explored the relationship between Thomas Piketty’s “r > g” inequality and speculated, based on Veblen (1921) and Kalecki (1943), that businesses […]