Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Perry Proposes (no surprise) a flat tax…

by Linda Beale Perry Proposes (no surprise) a flat tax…. Rick Perry, one night after what has been termed an ‘invigorated’ debate performance, has climbed on the flat-tax bandwagon (presumably meaning a flat-rate consumption tax a la the national retail sales tax idea).  See Tumulty, Rick Perry to Announce Flat Tax as Part of Economic […]

Herman Cain, funded by Koch Bros, Says "Let the Little Guys Pay Taxes

by Linda Beale Herman Cain, funded by Koch Bros, Says “Let the Little Guys Pay Taxes (not the uber-rich) The New York Times’ “Room for Debate” ran a ‘mini-op-ed’ segment on Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan, called “What’s So Bad About a Flat Tax?” New York Times (Oct. 14, 2011) (with the subtitle: Isn’t Herman […]

Barney Frank and the need for a risk-based bank fee

by Linda Beale Barney Frank and the need for a risk-based bank fee That post about the McCain-Paul environmental devastation and revenue decimation bill (somehow mistakenly given the label of a “jobs bill” by the misguided pair ) suggests the unprecedented extent to which our Congressional reps now believe they can use and abuse national […]

Senators Levin and Isakson: millionaire surtax vs corporate repatriation subsidy

by Linda Beale Senators Levin and Isakson: millionaire surtax vs corporate repatriation subsidy The PBS News Hour last night interviewed Senators Levin and Isakson on the jobs bill (video and transcript available here). Isakson was first off.  He sounded like a right wing sound bite machine: we’re overregulating businesses so we need a “time out” […]

GOP Representative moves to increase deficit–and aid the investor class

by Linda Beale GOP Representative moves to increase deficit–and aid the investor class The GOP has made lots of fusses lately about the deficit. According to the party line, earned benefits that Americans rely on for health care and retirement income just “have” to be reduced, no matter how painful it is to the GOP-controlled […]

More on Repatriation–WIN America corporatist lobbying group’s strike back on Heritage

by Linda Beale More on Repatriation–WIN America corporatist lobbying group’s strike back on Heritage In a recent posting, I commented further on the lack of arguments supporting the corporatist lobbying drive for another “repatriation tax holiday” for multinational corporations that have stashed more than a trillion abroad (often through gimmicky transfers of intangible property such […]

More on Occupy Wall Street–Stiglitz and Madrick add their voices

by Linda Beale More on Occupy Wall Street–Stiglitz and Madrick add their voices Jim Swan, the Not-an-economist blogger who writes about “economics and the economy in the wake of the financial crisis”, is definitely a supporter of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement. In an earlier post, I noted the addition of labor concerns to […]

Basic Macroeconomics

by Mike Kimel Recently I had the opportunity to speak to Professor David Cohen’s class on the US Presidency in the Political Science department at the University of Akron. My talk was structured around three questions involving some extremely simple recent economic history. None of the questions were trick questions. The questions appear below. — […]

The Effect of Individual Income Tax Rates on the Economy, Part 7: 1988 – 2010

by Mike Kimel [UPDATE: Graphic title corrected below. h/t Eric Whitaker] This post is the seventh in a series that looks at the relationship between real economic growth and the top individual marginal tax rate. The first looked at the period from 1901 to 1928, the second from 1929 to 1940, the third from 1940 […]

Speaking engagement

by Mike Kimel Speaking Engagement If anyone is in the Akron, Ohio area and has any interest, I will be giving a guest lecture at David Cohen’s American Presidency class on Monday Sept. 19. The class runs from 12:05-12:55 in Leigh Hall 510. I’ll be talking about Presimetrics, the book I co-authored with Michael Kanell. […]