Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Confidence Fairy v. John Roberts (circa Apr. 2, 2014)

UPDATE: Wow. That tree limb I walked far out onto in my post below turned out to be sturdy after all.  A postscript is added below. Update posted 10/9 at 10:45 p.m. ____ There is no right more basic in our democracy than the right to participate in electing our political leaders. Citizens can exercise that […]

Integral and Indispensable to the regular duties, Your govenment says this defines if you get paid

Update below. From a Salon interview with  Catherine Ruckelshaus, general counsel and program director for the National Employment Law Project comes this case being argued today in the Supreme’s Court: Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v. Busk We tend not to hear much about Supreme Court cases until there’s an imminent ruling, much less before oral arguments have […]

Mike Huckabee points the way to nullifying Citizens United and McCutcheon v. FEC: Enforcing the enabling-legislation requirement!

Unlike in Wisconsin, same-sex marriage prohibitions in South Carolina and Wyoming weren’t stricken directly, but rather as a consequence of circuit court rulings against bans in nearby states. And Republicans there are intent on dragging their heels. Rather than accepting defeat, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Wyoming Governor Matt Mead both plan to enforce their state SSM bans […]

Turns out that farm subsidies aren’t the only federal program Joni Ernst won’t vote to kill if she wins that Senate race. There’s one more federal program she wants to keep.

Ernst likes FEMA and wants to keep it!  So does her father.  This even though some blue states benefit from it sometimes, too! Go figure. She won’t even squawk about appropriations for it.  Then again, she’s a turkey, not a chicken.  So she might cluck.   —- APPENDED: From the Comments thread here: EMichael / October 8, 2014 10:55 […]

USPS and more

Via Daily Kos comes this reminder of a local issue reflecting national politics: One year and two months after the idea was first floated, legislation to rezone Berkeley’s Historic Civic Center, including the US Post Office property at 2000 Allston Way, became law last night. Why is this of interest to anyone outside of Berkeley? […]

Unskewing Polls

I clicked on this story at Daily Kos to have a laugh about how unskewing isn’t just for conservatives any more and am very alarmed to find myself almost partly convinced. I confess that I have fallen into at least the near occasion of unskewing. Can We Really Trust YouGov? by Tyler Yeargain If you […]

Explaining “The most important chart about the American economy you’ll see this year”

See update at bottom. Pavlina Tcherneva’s chart has been getting a lot of play out there: Vox/Matthew Yglesias labeled it “The most important chart about the American economy you’ll see this year.” Scott Winship at Fortune came back at it on methodological grounds, with the headline “No, the Rich Are Not Taking All of the Economic Pie (In […]

Sooo …. which of Obama’s economic policies do you want to repeal or defeat, Repubs?? And replace those policies with whose–I mean, what–economic policies, exactly? Do tell!

Barack Obama wanted to galvanize Democrats when he insisted this week that his economic policies are on the ballot in November. Instead, the soundbite has already become the centerpiece of new Republican attack ads. Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell uses the clip in a new commercial, shared first with POLITICO. Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts turned his own […]

Repeal LyndonJohnsonCare?

While I was reading an article on the web this morning from my phone, up popped one of those incessant anti-Obama/anti-Obamacare “take-a-survey” ads—one of those little square red-and-white-bordered things with a goofy-looking picture of Obama on it.  My laptop software blocks these things, so I was lucky enough to have not seen one of those […]

Rolling Jubilee: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

authored by Alan Collinge of the Student Loan Justice Organization, a grass roots group seeking the swift return of standard bankruptcy protections and other consumer protections to all student loans in the U.S. “We started by going after Sallie Mae debt because Sallie Mae is for my generation sort of the Voldemort, this cosmic level […]