Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Swiftboating Anthony Zinni

Jonah Goldberg says GOTCHYA after he read Brit Hume: Former Clinton CENTCOM commander, Anthony Zinni … But in early 2000, Zinni told Congress “Iraq remains the most significant near-term threat to U.S. interests in the Arabian Gulf region,” adding, “Iraq probably is continuing clandestine nuclear research, [and] retains stocks of chemical and biological munitions … […]

Iraq-Iran: Sixteen Words or Sixteen Days

Bloomberg reports a starling claim from Stephen Rademaker, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation: Iran, which is defying United Nations Security Council demands to cease its nuclear program, may be capable of making a nuclear bomb within 16 days if it goes ahead with plans to install thousands of centrifuges at […]

Andy McCarthy on the Latest Plame Leak News

The big news is covered by Kevin Drum, Max Sawicky, Mark Thoma, and many others almost too numerous to name. OK, the left side of BlogLand is all over this – but what about the National Review. It seems Andy McCarthy wants to “parse carefully how the press is describing Libby’s testimony”. Check out the […]

Measuring Well-Being

I just came across an interesting paper by David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald entitled “Happiness and the Human Development Index: The Paradox of Australia“. The paper raises a question of crucial importance to economists who think about development and growth issues: what measures should we use to gauge whether any particular group of people are […]

Fuzzcharts Insults the Memory of Coretta Scott King

The graph presents the black unemployment rate since 1995 to counter these lies from Jerry Bowyer: Even more striking than the booming job market, however, is the rapid improvement in black employment. Last August, BuzzCharts pointed out that black unemployment was historically low. Since then, it has fallen even further. In fact, it has dropped […]

Deferment Dick Goes Quail Hunter

Maybe we should be relieved that Dick Cheney did not serve in Vietnam – especially as we see what Josh Marshall has learned: Things can get chaotic and excited when a bunch of birds (I’ll just try, as a blanket matter, not to use the jargon) come into range or rise up. But if you […]