Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

In its ACA opinion today, the Court significantly narrowed its “Chevron-deference” doctrine. I’m glad. Even despite the immediate repercussions for EPA authority.

[T]oday’s victory may have been even more decisive than it looks at first glance. It isn’t just that the Court ruled six-to-three in favor of the government’s position, with John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy joining the Court’s liberals in support of a single, non-splintered decision, though that’s important. It’s also that Roberts’ opinion may have precluded […]

Listen to Michigan Congressman Sander Levin Tongue – Lash Wisconsin Congressman and Chairman Paul Ryan

Michigan is pitifully gerrymandered due to state Republicans controlling the state legislature in 1990, 2000, and 2010 and controlling redistricting. Michigan sends fewer Democrats to The House than how the state votes which is 54+% Democrat in national elections. Democrat Congressman Sander Levin is one of those Congressmen. Listen to his response to Republican Congressman […]

A Non Veto Threat ?

In about one month, the US Supreme Court will announce a decision on King Vs Burwell in which the plaintiffs argue that subsidies may not be paid to people who purchased health insurance on exchanges operated by the US Federal Government. The risk that they will win terrifies, among others, Senator Ronald Johnson (R-Wisconsin) who […]


Jeff Jacoby had an interesting article in the Boston Globe on Sunday where he argue that if the demand for something doubled the price must increase—it is basic introductory economics. What price is too high for a miracle drug? His argument is so typical of how so many columnist and/or bloggers demonstrate that a little […]

A Fractal Case for Big Government

Brad DeLong made a case for big government and higher deficits. Paul Krugman wrote an exagerated pun of praise. The part he liked was the appeal to myopia and paternalistic proposal “The problem is that as we move into the twenty-first century, the commodities we will be producing are becoming … more subject to myopia […]