Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Business Roundtable Proposes Obamacare to Restore American Competitiveness

Or: You Just Can’t Make This Shit Up “Health Care Costs Put U.S. at Significant Disadvantage Compared with Global Competitors” I’ll let you read the details, but short story: Whodathunkit? And what do they recommend? Creating greater consumer value in the health care marketplace by using health information technology and empowering consumers with more information […]

Note to ‘Pubs: The Demographic Tidal Wave is Hitting the Beach

Or: Even a Stopped Clock is Right, Eventually For quite a while I’ve been explaining the rabid, frantic vehemence of tea partiers and Republicans in general with a single visualization: They’ve got their backs against the seawall, and a massive, overwhelming demographic tidal wave is looming over them. The terror that situation provokes among old, […]

Where’s the High Point on the Laffer Curve? And Where Are We?

Anti-taxers love to haul out the legendary napkin-inscribed Laffer curve to demonstrate that lower taxes would yield more government revenue. But this ploy only works because they assume that we’re at or past the high point — that higher taxes would move us down the right slope. (Note the cross-marks-the-spot in the image here?) But […]

More on Interest on Reserves

I did a couple of posts a while back asking (and concluding) what would result from the Fed ending their interest on reserves policies. (Not suggesting they do so — just wondering what the effects of that one change would be.) I got a lot of good answers and discussion, but nobody mentioned the very […]

Public vs. Private Debt: The Long View

Poking around in FRED while thinking about money created by banks and by government, I came up with the following graph, which I found to be pretty eye-popping: Federal Debt Held by the Public as a Percentage of Total Credit Market Debt Owed That’s a pretty profound secular shift. But far from delivering any obvious […]

Republicans: More Education, Less Reality

Via Chris Mooney to Digby to Krugman then me — this remarkable item from a Pew report: College-educated Republicans are more likely to deny scientific reality. They don’t spend their time in college (or life) trying to learn how the world works; they spend it learning how to mine, harvest, cherry-pick, and twist any “facts” […]

Length of Unemployment is Worst Since World War II

Middle Class Political Economist: Basics: Length of Unemployment is Worst Since World War II.. (HT Brad DeLong.) The key graph: Assuming the economy is “trying” to reach equilibrium, this suggests that it “wants” less workers. If that is a secular trend, as suggested by the steadily lengthening jobless recessions since the 80s, …we’re faced with […]