Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Illegal alien or Economic refugee

Illegal means criminal, and alien feels spooky. Are spooky alien criminals invading the country? And the The American Immigration Law Foundation tells us the likely reason why not: The problem of crime in the United States is not ’caused’ or even aggravated by immigrants, regardless of their legal status. This is hardly surprising since immigrants […]

Malingering or science? Part 1

About 1.4 million troops have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pentagon research indicates that: Up to 28% of combat troops may have been exposed to bomb blasts and suffered at least mild traumatic brain injury. 30% of Iraq and Afghanistan casualties treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center have been diagnosed with mild, moderate or […]

Just a business expense and opprtunity cost

Salon reports: In April 2007, William Winkenwerder Jr. retired from his position as assistant secretary for health affairs at the Department of Defense, where he had been in charge of all military healthcare. On June 1, he went to work for a Wisconsin-based private contractor named Logistics Health Inc., which hired him to serve on […]

New NIE report

WSJ reports on the news conference and new National Intelligence Estimate. The new assessment concludes that Iran actually suspended its covert nuclear weapon program in the fall of 2003. That tends to undercut Bush’s recent warnings about the danger of “World War III” if Iran’s nuclear ambitions are realized. At least the first half-dozen questions […]

PTSD and TBI at home

PBS has a very short description of the effects of PTSD and TBI by several authors that might help in sorting out why the diagnosis is important both for policy, treatment, and moral judgements we as Americans are prone to use to avoid costs of war. As you stand with other parents watching the kids […]

Al Odah and US

Tomorrow, December 5, the Center for Constitutional Rights will return to the Supreme Court for the most important case of this decade. This historic case – Al Odah v. United States – will in all likelihood determine once and for all whether the men detained at Guantánamo have the right to a fair trial before […]

Meds and blogs

Brain chemistry analysis is being born as I write. Scientists have understood something of the chemical imbalances underlying mental health problems, but making meaningful chemical measurements in the brain has not always been easy because of the small size of synapses and the inaccessibility of the brain.Recent breakthroughs are now advancing knowledge. In 2006, University […]

Following THIS POST using census data, Tim Worstall suggested the data include more than income. He cited the Tax Foundation study as an example of a study that attempted to address what the authors saw as a more accurate picture when describing “living in poverty” (by including transfer payments and benefits of spending in ‘standard […]

Oil and water do not mix to our benefit

The Albuquerque Tribune editorializes: In oil drilling, the question is always who suffers and who benefits – not in the abstract but in the details of daily lives. Sure, the American economy needs more American oil. But mining and property laws are often ruinous to ranchers, farmers and homeowners who are beset by drillers, their […]

Kidneys and community

Kidney dialysis is a terribly expensive way to survive that is offered to those whose kidneys have failed, in these cases, most patients end up in need of hemodialysis services. Here is what’s happening: two companies-DaVita and Fresenius-provide most of the kidney dialysis services in the U.S. They want Congress to force kidney patients to […]