Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

A Gap Not In Time But In Judicial Veracity

by Beverly Mann A Gap Not In Time But In Judicial Veracitycrossposted with The Annarborist “Talk of judicial activism tends to focus on results, but the Guggenheim case shows that maybe we should talk a little bit more about method.”—Doug Kendall and Elizabeth Wydra, “Torturing the Law: Jay Bybee models conservative judicial activism in the […]

Unemployment During the New Deal

by Mike Kimel Unemployment During the New Deal Cross posted with the Presimetrics Blog. This is not the post the post I was planning to write this weekend, but frankly every time I post something that touches on FDR, people get ahold of me with the same canard: unemployment in the U.S. was somewhere around […]

G-20 communique abandoning stimulus in about face

The Financial Times points us to the G-20 communique abandoning stimulus because “they recognize financial market concerns”: Finance ministers from the world’s leading economies ripped up their support for fiscal stimulus on Saturday, recognising that financial market concerns over sovereign debt had forced a much greater focus on deficit reduction. The meeting of the Group […]

PGL asks: Do All 222 of These Economists Think the Multiplier for Changes in Government Spending is Negative?

Lifted from Econospeak, PGL speaks out: Do All 222 of These Economists Think the Multiplier for Changes in Government Spending is Negative? John Boehner uses Twitter to claim that economists think reductions in government spending will lead to an economic recovery. He has cited this letter signed by 222 economists as the basis for his […]

Advance Reading Copies

by Mike Kimel Help!!!! The publisher has put together some Advance Reading Copies of Presimetrics. They’re bound-up versions of the book usually sent out to media for an advance read on the book. Obviously, they’d like my co-author and I to get them into the hands of the most influential people possible for them to […]

Federal Government Stupidity – Part 2

Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Federal Government Stupidity – Part 2Part 2 of an occasional series When Verizon wanted to merge with Alltel the feds allowed the merger but created a bizarre and weird system that disallowed most Verizon stores from servicing Verizon customers. How this increases competition eludes me. So my son is traveling and […]

The BP Oil Leak and Tea-Party/Business-Republican Politics

by Beverly Manncrossposted with The Annarborist The BP Oil Leak and Tea-Party/Business-Republican Politics “The only good news from the oil spill is that when catastrophe strikes, even some hard-line conservatives, like Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, start begging for the federal government to act, and act big. It’s the crunch moment for government to make […]

Federal Government Stupidity – Part 1

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Federal Government Stupidity – Part 1Part 1 of an occasional series The “war on drugs” isn’t working so well. But fear not, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has a clever plan to stop the flow of illegal drugs. The DEA is harassing nursing home nurses who take oral narc orders […]