Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

In Bed With the U.S. Army

Ann Jones: In Bed With the U.S. Army TomDispatch regular Ann Jones approaches Afghanistan and the American war effort from quite a different perspective. She’s proven a rarity in the way she’s reported back to us in these years. She arrived in Kabul in 2002, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, to work with […]

“One in 31 Adults”

by reader Run “One in 31 Adults” are under the control of the correctional system (prison, parole, probation) according to a March 2009 Pew Center Report of the same title. 1 in every one hundred adults are imprisoned in jail, state prisons, or federal facilities. 25 years ago those under the control of the correctional […]

My mission is to restore America’s great middleclass

AlterNet / By Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Warren: My Mission Is to Restore America’s Great Middle ClassAt Netroots Nation, Elizabeth Warren spoke about how the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau could help protect the U.S. economy. August 1, 2010 | Editor’s note: The following is a speech delivered by Elizabeth Warren at Netroots Nation 2010. Check […]

Elena Kagan vs. Pat Lykos

by Beverly Mannoriginally posted at The Annarborist Elena Kagan vs. Pat Lykos Dahlia Lithwick, in Slate writes: At the Citizens United [v. Federal Election Commission] argument last fall, Roberts openly criticized Kagan for abandoning one rationale for restricting corporate campaign spending and then pummeled her again in his concurring opinion in the case, dismissing the […]

Misinterpreting History to Sell Eternal Mobilization.

by reader Ilsm Misinterpreting History to Sell Eternal MobilizationWashington Post, July 30, 2010, Pg. 19A Defense Budget Lesson We Never Learn, Max BootMax Boot, Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick seat at Council on Foreign Relations, describes a litany of tragedies rooted in alleged demobilizations including post American Revolution and the War Between the States. Each example is […]

The Non-Relationship Between Interest Rates and the Money Supply

by Mike KimelThis piece has been cross-posted at The Presimetrics Blog. The Non-Relationship Between Interest Rates and the Money Supply Figure 1 The graph shows that all but one recession since 1948 was preceded by a big drop in the real money supply per person over the length of a year. The exception – July […]

Tax expenditures, tax cuts, and IOUs (bonds)

We have seen the argument from some commission participants (Peterson for one) that Social Security is too expensive for those who need it and pay for it because it is an ‘entitlement’. We also have read from some Congress members (Senators Kyl and McConnel) that tax cut extensions of the Bush presidency are not deficit […]