Medicare Doctor Payment System is Not Keeping Up with Inflation

There is a story here somewhere, I have to look at it a bit closer in what Medicare is doing. As you can see expenditures in the US are double or more than what occurs in other countries. Yet, the US life expectancy is less than other countries.

The AMA complains doctor incomes are not keeping up with inflation. There is truth to this and it is also true with others who are not doctors. If doctor incomes are not keeping up with inflation and the US cost of healthcare far exceeds other countries, where are the profits/expenditures of healthcare going?

Various companies making hospital supplies, pharmaceuticals, and other healthcare items appear to be doing quite well. The costs have been a source of various discussions nationally in that people are skimping on taking their medicines, seeing a doctor, etc.

But then then the consolidation of PBMs is only one example.

Backed by doctors, the AMA is promoting a revised Medicare payment system which will increase payments to doctors. In the end this will fall back on patients and also Medicare funding as paid by constituents. Four Congressional Representatives who are also doctors are proposing a bill to revise Medicare payment of doctors.

AB: The costs of healthcare in the US has been increasing. Perhaps, the increases are not going to doctors; however, healthcare in the US continues to grow more and more expensive. Many patients are skipping meds or healthcare appointments because it is unaffordable even under Medicare or private insurance. What this points out is healthcare costs has become unsustainable for many patients. What the AMA is proposing for doctors is important. No one will deny it. However, the larger picture is many patients can not afford healthcare as it is today and even with some form of healthcare insurance.

The larger picture is a form of Single Payer which I believe doctors would find troublesome also.