Freddie Mac House Price Index Increased Slightly in August; Up 3.7% Year-over-year

Over the last 6 months, the seasonal adjusted index has increased at a 1.5% annual rate.

by Bill McBride

@ Calculated Risk

The second graph shows the month-over-month change in the national FMHPI, seasonally adjusted. The index has increased for 19 of the last 20 months after declining MoM for seven consecutive months.

The FMHPI was up 0.11% MoM in August. Over the last 3 months, this index has increased at a 1.4% annual rate, and 1.5% annualized over the last 6 months (price growth slowing down).

15 States and D.C. have seen price declines Seasonally Adjusted

As of August, 15 states and D.C. were below their previous peaks, Seasonally Adjusted. The largest seasonally adjusted declines from the recent peak were in Louisiana (-2.5%), Arkansas (-2.1%), D.C. (-2.0), Florida (-1.9%), Texas (-1.5%), and Idaho (-1.1%).

For cities (Core-based Statistical Areas, CBSA), here are the 30 cities with the largest declines from the peak, seasonally adjusted. Austin continues to be the worst performing city. However, 11 of the 30 worst performing cities are now in Florida!

Here is a comparison of year-over-year change in the FMHPI, median house prices from the NAR, and the Case-Shiller National index.

With the slowdown in price increases over the last few months, and the increase in inventory, it appears house price growth (year-over-year) will continue to slow as the year progresses.