Memorial Service for Dan Crawford 11:00 AM EDT
September 23, 2023. A memorial service celebrating the life of Dan Crawford at the Unitarian Universalist Area Church at First Parish in Sherborn, MA 11AM EDT
A Link;
RIP Dan. May AB stand as a monument to your memory.
I was invited by Linda Crawford to attend Dan’s Memorial Service. If you do not know, Dan was my friend. There are no two people I know of who could come from opposite ends more than Dan and I. And yet, we worked together on Angry Bear and laughed in our conversations.
Many people spoke on Dan’s behalf at the Memorial Service. He has an excellent background of academic achievement, personal beliefs, a green thumb, and a marvelous wife and family who spoke today. He also suffered the same trial and tribulations in life as many of us have experienced. As I told Linda, Dan was my friend.
If you do not know, Dan was a state declared conscientious objector to the Vietnam conflict. If you do not know it, the US did not issue a declaration of war on North Vietnam or the Viet Cong. Dan was the first to receive conscientious objector status in Ohio and was assigned to serve at various duties in Ohio. Now add to that, my status as a Vietnam era Marine Sgt E-5. An odd-couple to say the least.
For many of us at opposite ends of the spectrum, there was animosity. I never felt such from Dan and I never expressed it towards him. Many who evaded what was asked of them due to personal beliefs have paid a horrific price for doing so. And yes, many lost their lives in Vietnam. I have lost acquaintances and friends who paid the ultimate price during the conflict called Vietnam. I do not go to The Wall in DC.
Dan was the fifth of those I would consider as a friend and I explained such to Linda and her family. There are not many one can call a friend, knowing they would be there for you, and I could not save Dan the same as I could not save those friends before him. Three lost in the service, one of the three along with five others due to a drunk driver, one due to illness, and Dan. Cancer is an unforgiving beast.
Months ago, last year while he could still think, I asked him if he wanted to close down Angry Bear. He said no, he wished it to be continued. I have been told by people such as Daniel Becker, I was the first who stepped in to help Dan with Angry Bear. It seemed like a fun place to be and read the others such as Ken(s), Eric, Robert, now Joel, etc. who have a better grip on certain topics. We have intelligent commenters also.
A month or so later I asked Dan if he wanted to post something, I would post it. He said he could no longer write, I said I would write it for him. The chemo was horrific and impacted him greatly. He told me, he could not think. So, I wrote for him. His thoughts were still there, the body and mind were not.
Dan and I are in sore need of a Word Press expert who can help us guide and maintain Angry Bear. I need someone to teach me. If someone is willing, I would be ever grateful for the help. You would be contributing to Dan’s memory.
Thank you for the read.