Weekly Indicators for April 19 – 23 at Seeking Alpha
by New Deal democrat
Weekly Indicators for April 19 – 23 at Seeking Alpha
My Weekly Indicators post is up at Seeking Alpha.
The coincident and short term leading indicators, as expected, continue to be awful — probably the worst since the Great Depression.
Whether this downturn can be turned off relatively quickly, or whether it metasticizes into something far worse and far longer is going to be determined by the wisdom – or lack thereof – of those few people at the very top of the US and State governments. The outcomes might be extremely different if they are determined at State levels.
So we are doomed.
Hang on there. Watch a funny movie like Stripes, Mr. Mom, The History of the World Part II (was there ever a part 1?), Blazing Saddles, etc.
Here is one part of Mr. Mom I think of whenever I hear some Exec or politician get out telling us to hang on . . .
So typical . . .
I live in the State of Michigan. Considering what I run up against here, I wonder how it ever became a state. “These Are People Of The Land. The Common Clay Of The New West. You Know… Morons” We have enough of them here. A;ll getting together within spittin-distance of each other in Lansing complaining about social distancing and not being able to head north to their cabins and infect the people up there. They have not seen the out break we have had in southern Michigan. These people do not care who they infect or hurt just as long as they can drink beer and pee against a tree out doors.
Then there is The History of the World Part 1, the unemployment line:
Dole Office Clerk – Occupation?
Comicus – Stand-up philosopher.
Dole Office Clerk – What?
Comicus – Stand-up philosopher. I coalesce the vapors of human existence into a viable and meaningful comprehension.
Dole Office Clerk – Oh, a *bullshit* artist!
Comicus – Hmmmmmm…
Dole Office Clerk – Did you bullshit last week?
Comicus – No.
Dole Office Clerk – Did you try to bullshit last week?
Comicus – Yes!
I won’t even comment on Stripes. Its a classic.