I am typing on my mom’s computer. She introduced me to personal computers (some time ago). She was fairly fluent in DOS (explanatory. not for kids these days — never mind you wouldn’t believe what people used to put up with). She basically stopped using her computer for anything but e-mail due to the Windows 8 catastrophe. I personally kept using Windows 7 as long as I could. Windows 10 is OK, because it can be set to act like Windows 95- Windows 7 (also known as pretty much the Mac user interface with just enough differences to win the look and feel the lawsuit). There must have been a Windows 9, but I don’t want to know about it.Mom has ceased to use e-mail. The problem is that her AOL inbox is always full of spam. There oughta be a law, actually two.
1) By law, if there is an e-mail list, there must be a prominently displayed one-click unsubscribe button. It must appear before the body of the e-mail. It must be in the largest font used anywhere in the e-mail. I am here blogging because I am sick and tired of scrolling down to fine “unsubscribe” at the end of a long unsolicited e-mail. More importantly, it must be one click and your done. I have found that clicking unsubscribe often takes me to a page where I am invited to subscribe and if I just click through I am not unsubscribed. To unsubscribe I have to scroll down again. Also it not allowed to ask people why they unsubscribed.
The penalty should be $10 per violation. This will bankrupt all non compliant spammers. The Justice Department or any user with a valid complaint can bring suit. If the suit is started by a harmed person, that person gets 10% of the fine for the public service. I mean, don’t members of Congress get spam ? I guess they also send a lot of spam, but they can exempt themselves from the law.
2) no more than 1000 unsolicited e-mails a year allowed. This is a limit on any entity which sends e-mails which is defined as the beneficial owner of the sending e-mail account. Spam does not have to be legal. Spam doesn’t even have to be. We are bombarded with ads on the web all the time. Most are not spam e-mail and most don’t create trouble. This is law 2, because I fear my mom accidentally subscribed to the spam mailing lists.
3) “no reply” e-mails are not allowed. The Postal Service will not deliver a letter without a return address. E-mail always includes the address of the sender. Many senders write “do not reply to this e-mail”. That should be a civil offence and also a tort costing $1000 for every e-mail which contains that text or text to that effect. If someone sends an e-mail, that person should be required to consider replies. For example “don’t e-mail me again” should be an order which must be obeyed, also if it is sent as a reply e–mail. Failure to obey such an instruction should cost $10,000 per infraction.
If the e-mailers says it would be an extremely burdensome expense to hire people just to read replies to our e-mail, it should be politely explained to them that this is exactly the point. They should not be able to burden others with e-mail without being burdened by the replies. This one was almost too obvious to include (it is an update). I think it is perfectly reasonable for me to be able to reply to an e-mail which says “do not reply”. I also think the reply should be “you now owe me $1000.00 credit my account number N at bank with routing number M (N and M not for blogger, because even though my bank has security which makes online banking impractical for me, kidz theze dayz probably know how to use those numbers to take my money). Sending an e-mail which includes the order “do not reply to this e-mail” is unacceptably rude and should be illegal. Why is it allowed
This post isn’t supposed to be an anti Microsoft rant, but just one little paragraph. Their problem is that they make profits too easily. With Windows and Office, it’s as if they patented the alphabet or Arabic numbers or something. They could just coast forever. But they won’t. So they attempted to engulf the whole software industry, got nailed by the Justice Department and saved by the Supreme Court in the Microsoft relevant case of Bush V Gore. They aren’t doing that any more (Bill Gates decided to fight viruses, bacteria and protazoans not people and so long as he focuses his ruthless determination on single celled organisms I support him).
But they won’t admit that they are just an intellectual property scam, so they keep “improving” their software making it worse and worse. This forces customers to learn how to use the new software which can’t be as familiar as the old software, and so must be less user friendly (especially the “user friendly” aspects like remember that damn paper clip with eyes ?). Also it is slow. There is a race as the hardware gets better and better and the software gets worse and worse. I am quite sure this is deliberate (and logical). The latest software makes the latest hardware run so slowly that it is barely tolerable. So you can steal it and install it on your old computer, but you don’t want to, because then your old computer is intolerably slow.
The ancestor to the computer on which I am typing, which lived on this very desk, was killed by a (legal) upgrade from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95. There is a law, call it More’s law, that no matter how powerful the hardware gets, it always takes the same amount of time for personal computers to start up. Notice that it takes no time for smart phones to start up. Why ? OK also the format of. say *.doc files’ is changed (unless people know about save but most don’t) so you need the latest applications to edit documents, so you need the latest operating system so Windows is rich. OK fine, make sure software runs only on new computers bought with Windows pre-installed. But please slow it down by using it to mine BitCoin for Microsoft or something and leave the user interface alone.
After decades of fuming about the ever increasing complexity of “Word” I finally got around to checking out the world of free bare bones word processors available out there. What a revelation! Simple fast and no garbage. Like a breath of fresh air. I now use one called “Bean” and I will never touch another Microsoft product. Web browsers? Duck Duck Go.
Excuse me the Duck is a search engine. But you get the point.
Linux set me free from Microsoft
Easy for you to say; you’ve got a big known website. I have a mailing (SPAM) list which includes about 7,000 print journalists: any who might be at all interested (not the cooking) in papers over 100,000 circulation in large states, over 50,000 in small states, 3 X 25,000 in ND/SD — and many many more: think tanks, talking heads, labor faculties, labor unions of course, etc., etc., etc.
Anyway, most of your screed is First Amendment infamnia — dream on.
I still use a pass around copy of Office 2000. Is there something wrong with the latest Office — my computer is eight years old and Microsoft will stop updating 7 in January I think — forcing me to buy new.
I started out with Coleco’s Adam computer. Figured there was going to be a big drop off from all those early computers (Radio Shack, Commodore, etc.) but that Coleco, maker of Cabbage Patch Kid would still be around. They were; when they stopped making Adam the gave Honeywell a five year contract to fix their products (fixed my printer for free if I remember correctly).
I expect to be SPAMMING something like this below to 500-600 Teamster addresses next week — along with some other union sites.
Keep your gov reg hands off my First Amendment.
Steven Greenhouse wrote at Kindle location 6101 in his 2008 book The Big Squeeze that:
“To help reverse labor’s decline, every union should be required to spend at least 25 percent of its budget on organizing. That would be an investment in the betterment of American workers. Any union that falls short of this requirement should face sanctions up to and including expulsion from its respective federation, the AFL-CIO of Change to Win. Union leaders should recognize that they have a responsibility to organize nonunion workers in their industries often undercuts the wages and benefits of members of their own unions.”
If every union spent 25 percent of its budget advocating Andrew Strom’s idea of regularly scheduled cert/recert/decert elections, it would bear a hundred times more fruit!
“In light of the pay excesses of the past, the two labor federations and Congress should take strong action to impose salary limitations on labor leaders. To prevent unions from turning into a family business, union leaders should also be prohibited from having any family members on the payroll of their union or union benefit fund.”
Recertification elections spaced, say, every five years would remotivate lazy leaderships and deter making any local into a family bank — keep the mob out too, if that is still a problem. Members don’t really know who any oppo officers might be who might want to contest leadership or why they want to run, unless there is some exceptional problem — not much foundation for the discipline of the ballot. But, leadership cannot help worrying about that election cycle (even if there should be no reason to) — it’s just human nature. (My Teamsters local 804 president in 1970 was Ron Carey, later national president, which may explain why I thought I was in union heaven.)
Just takes one rule added to the NUBA (National Union Busting Act). https://onlabor.org/why-not-hold-union-representation-elections-on-a-regular-schedule/
My understanding is that there never was a Windows 9. After the Windows 8 debacle Microsoft decided to put some artificial difference between Windows 8 and what became known as Windows 10.
As far as software version numbers go, there was also never a Windows 7 nor a windows 8. All marketing names. No product was marketed or numbered as Windows 9.
Oddly, the software versions for Windows 10 all actually start with 10.
Windows XP was 5.1 (continues number from Windows NT 5.0, aka “Windows 2000”)
Windows Vista was 6,
Windows 7 was 6.1
Windows 8 was 6.2
Windows 8.1 was 6.3
Windows 10 is the first version of Windows where the version number has corresponded to the marketing number since 1996 (Windows NT 4.0).
It does seem like Matt has never heard of the Belgian Political Crisis though, or possibly even post-Brexit vote Great Britain.
Parliamentary democracies are most definitely capable of breakdowns that take years to fix.