Read yesterday that the NSA feels perfectly free to use a three-hop analysis: it may look at the phone data of a “suspected terrorist” (there are now 875,000 on the list — up from 540,000 five years ago) and at friends of friends of friends.
When I was a teenager I read a book called One Two Three, Infinity by George Gamow (1953) that said there is a fifty-fifty chance we know somebody who knows somebody who knows anybody in the United States. We know 500 people on average. 500 X 500 X 500 = 125,000,000
The average person calls 40 unique people. 40 (original phone connections) X 40 X 40 X40 = 2,560,000! … X 875,000?! …
The poverty line quoted in the article was $18,284 for a family of three. As we all know — and the press might wake up and report — said official federl poverty line is based solely on a 1955 formula (adopted in 1968 when it was already slipping out of relevance) of three time the price of an emergency diet (dried beans only please, no expensive canned) the true number in poverty must be at least double …
… the official line being off by about two and a half.
A realistic poverty line for a family of three would be more like $45,476 in 2012 dollars going by the 2001 Ms. Foundation book Raise the Floor (table 3-2 on p.44 — counts only $8,786 for medical insurance since it is a decade old book).
Raise totals up from a comprehensive list of expenses, including taxes to get its figure. (Raise provides extensive explanations for its minimum needs parameters in Appendix B, citing Solutions for Progress — allots $3,000 to yearly medical expenses even if the family has insurance paid.)
Latest Obamacare confusion:
Read yesterday that the NSA feels perfectly free to use a three-hop analysis: it may look at the phone data of a “suspected terrorist” (there are now 875,000 on the list — up from 540,000 five years ago) and at friends of friends of friends.
When I was a teenager I read a book called One Two Three, Infinity by George Gamow (1953) that said there is a fifty-fifty chance we know somebody who knows somebody who knows anybody in the United States. We know 500 people on average. 500 X 500 X 500 = 125,000,000
The average person calls 40 unique people. 40 (original phone connections) X 40 X 40 X40 = 2,560,000! … X 875,000?! …
Census on Obama’s 1st Term: Real Median Income Down $2,627; People in Poverty Up 6,667,000; Record 46,496,000 Now Poor
The poverty line quoted in the article was $18,284 for a family of three. As we all know — and the press might wake up and report — said official federl poverty line is based solely on a 1955 formula (adopted in 1968 when it was already slipping out of relevance) of three time the price of an emergency diet (dried beans only please, no expensive canned) the true number in poverty must be at least double …
… the official line being off by about two and a half.
A realistic poverty line for a family of three would be more like $45,476 in 2012 dollars going by the 2001 Ms. Foundation book Raise the Floor (table 3-2 on p.44 — counts only $8,786 for medical insurance since it is a decade old book).
Raise totals up from a comprehensive list of expenses, including taxes to get its figure. (Raise provides extensive explanations for its minimum needs parameters in Appendix B, citing Solutions for Progress — allots $3,000 to yearly medical expenses even if the family has insurance paid.)