These jokers have no idea what they’re doing
by Rebecca Wilder
Monday, June 27, 2011
These jokers have no idea what they’re doing.
The IMF has overshot the ex-post path of Greek nominal GDP in each and every one of their World Economic Outlook forecasts since April 2009. What do you want to wager that they’re wrong about 2011, too? And now they want more fiscal austerity…
The French are devising a plan to compel bondholers to rollover Greek debt by enhancing the bonds. The new bond rate would be equal to Greece’s current borrowing rate on the EU/IMF/EFSF programs plus a variable factor linked to ‘an indicator such as GDP’.
Just amazing.
Rebecca Wilder
Because “the Giscard” worked so well?
(I wanted to pitch a 7-year Structured Note that paid the lesser of [4%, d(Greek GDP)-2%], but I couldn’t think of investors I disliked enough to offer it to them.)
Greek debt has become a Ponzi scheme. They’re borrowing now just to pay back previous creditors. Who’s going to get left holding the bag, hmm? Taxpayers, perhaps? They should just let Greece default. The more they delay, the bigger will be the crash, when it comes.