Abolish the Republican Party Now
If I made this up, you would never believe me:
“He informed me by text while he was on the floor,” [Erie County Republican Chairman Nicholas A.] Langworthy said of [New York, State Sen. Mark J.] Grisanti’s Friday vote. “I urged him to stick by his word he had given. The people elected him on what he ran on. This is not tax policy or something. This is important stuff.” [emphasis mine]
Good to know The Republican Party has ceased to give a shit about anything for which the Ancestral Party stood.
(via Lance)
cross-posted from Skippy
Well, as a old 60s redneck hippie, I DO view civil rights as more important than tax policy. I admit that, because I did not want the government to be run by people who pledged allegiance to Norquist over their responsibilities to the US people, I kind of wanted the gays to remain in the background for awhile. This is wrong of me and I know it. Would I have let anything deter me when I was younger and naive? Of course not! So power to the NYers. Maybe the civil rights amendment should have simply conferred equal rights to all (e.g. women, gays, green aliens (if they ever immigrate from that green tinted planet and became citizens)).
Civil rights should be a given in this country and a comparison to “policy” should be recognized as apples to oranges. Marriage is not a government function, in my opinion, but the protection of rights IS. And marriage is a means in this country of rights.
Hardly a surprise now though is it?
Why in the world economics and civil right gets lumped together? They are totally distant subject. Yet ironically there are people don’t think so and are equally important!
Abolish the entire party due to reactions in New York? Maybe next time there will be calls to end the DNC over a gun bill in Texas.
There are a ton of old Southern Democrats who think the idea of abolishing the Republican Party is 151 years too late. Thank god it didn’t happen.
Really its just more of the same, Same stories, Same promises, Different people.
Go Search: Layoffs 2011
Nothing is changing for the better
Kevin –
Abolish the entire party due to reactions in New York?
Well, there’s Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey . . .
Not sure what you are complaining about, or making fun of. That a Republican would vote in favor of gay marriage? That a Rupublican might feel there are more important issues than state tax policy? And it provides fodder for not one, not two, but three (3) Liberal bloggers? If this is an example of liberal wit…
Why bother abolishing an organization composed of W’s 28% dead enders and a few whacked out billionaires? We really need the comic relief provided by Bachmann, Gingrich, and The Quitter while watching the DNC accomplish the formerly GOPs wish list.
Two people make a party?
If I were a liberal, I would be more worried about the Democrats habit of forming circular firing squads.
If an entire political caucus represents a single and narrowly defined policy agenda how can the individuals of that group maintain that they represent the interests of a widely disparate group of citizens. This is true for both Republicans and Democrats, but is certainly more evident on the right side of the aisle. Are we to believe that Republican voters across the country, in urban, suburban and rural districts have such closely aligned social and economic needs and interests? We have a significant dysfunction in the Congress, and in its relationship to the Executive Branch, because the parties represent the interests of their financial backers far more so than they do their voters. The voters may have some say in regards to social issues, but the economics of our society are under the tight fisted control of a scant few. This is going to be the death of our democracy if not our economy, which is currently in a terminal mode.
Well said, Jack. But I think the Republican Party abolished itself when it adopted the Southern Strategy and ended up being the party of corporatism, paternalism, fundamentalism and oligarchy. They kept the name–after all, they invented and patented it, but turned it into a political organization dedicated to dismantling the federal government. Don’t forget that every function of government can be turned into a profitable business. Consider Florida’s Gov. Scott who abolished fee-for-service Medicaid and turned it over to HMO’s. One of the HMO’s now providing reduced services to recipients is one in which he holds a majority interest. HMO’s get prepaid contracts with no limits on administrative expenses. There’s gold in them there block grants. NancyO
I am sick with the Republican win in Wisconsin. Money won over the people. I truly hate the Right wing Republicans. Thanks to the preaching of Rush LimpD*%k. He taught me to hate. Too many times I heard him blast me and my people of the Democratic Party. I so pray that we keep Mint Rawmoney out of the White house! IF I could I would leave this country if the Republicans take office.