Koch Bros. connections
I don’t see mentioned how much money is given to each organization nor how that fits into each organization’s overall funding sources, but the big names in think tanks and such are well connected.
I don’t see mentioned how much money is given to each organization nor how that fits into each organization’s overall funding sources, but the big names in think tanks and such are well connected.
Rdan–A little while ago I started to look around to see “Who Was on First” among all these people who seem to talk only to each other and God. It was pretty clear that if you knew their connections and what organizations they were associated with, you pretty much knew what they’d say on any subject.
So, if I could find a connection to Peterson or any of his organizations I knew that what they would say would serve Peterson’s interest. It is pretty clear they don’t give a damn about reality when it comes right down to it. So, I’m glad you found Muckety’s diagram. And, of course, climate change is the bunk and global warming exists only in Al Gore’s perfervid imagination. These people have been there all the time selling their ideas behind the Wizard of Oz’s curtain. Now we know more about them. Quite instructive. Thanks for this piece. NOrtiz
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) is a terrific program for college students.
And who can argue with ballet?
Boycott the bad parts, cooperate and make use of the good parts. Be a community builder, and the community will improve, become more aware, and quit following the negative leaders.
And, who can argue with John Birch society?
One of the founding sponsors was a guy named Koch, father to these boys.
The New American Century.
I personally benefitted from the Birchers excellent insight into the poisonous nature of fluoride in the water supply. We sure didn’t have it in South Florida and my teeth have received the professional attention of dentists regularly ever since! Nancy O.
No, the sons have done that all on their own.