Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Income age 65 and over

rdan Executive summary of EBRI stats on: Income of the Elderly Population Age 65 and Over, 2005 • Latest data: This article reviews the latest available data on the older population’s income (age 65 and older), how it has changed over time, and the elderly’s reliance on these sources. • Social Security still dominant: In […]

NW Plan for a Real Social Security Fix Ver 2.0: 2009 Trigger

by Bruce Webb, data by Coberly Coberly has now produced new spreadsheets updated in light of the new numbers of the 2009 Report. Copies of past and current spreadsheets are available at our Google Group RealSocialSecurityFix‘s Northwest Plan page. (It should be viewable by anyone). The new Trigger ones linked below.(UPDATE: Hot off the press, […]

Tax Competition: why it is not a good thing

Cross posted by Linda Beale, ataxingmatter Linda Beale has a take on tax competition and real costs hidden by gaming the system. Who does pay for the US Naval protection of commerce in the world? Tax Competition: why it is not a good thingThe Tax Foundation is one of those purported think tanks that preaches […]

A representative basket of currencies

rdan Mark Thoma at Economist’s View offers a look at Jeff Sachs (in Scientific American) notions of the correctness of a ‘global’ basket of currencies to be used as a substitute for the US dollar. China has now proposed that … nations peg their currencies to a representative basket of others rather than to the […]

curiouser and curiouser capitalist

Because a world without Leonard Cohen songs readily available to all in Frisian is not a world we want to live in: plagiarism confession: This post is entirely copied from Brad DeLong who quoted Justin FoxJustin Fox. See Maureen Dowd — that wasn’t so hard was it ?

McMegan, Discrimination, and Inappropriate Loans

Susan of Texas has an immortal post on the housing crisis, McMegan’s ratiocination, and the persistence of ignorant memes. The money quote: McArdle doesn’t refute facts, she hen-pecks at the methods used to gather information. That way she doesn’t actually have to prove anything, she just casts enough aspersions on the data to confuse the […]

When Strawmen Collide: Biggs v Lind

by Bruce Webb Michael Lind wrote an interesting article for Salon that was picked up by the New America Foundation under the snappy title Let’s Cut Social Security to Pay for Banker Bailouts!. In it he outlines arguments that will be familiar to followers of Angry Bear’s Social Security coverage, notably pointing out the ‘message’ […]

"Banks Just Don’t Go Under"

Did no one in Georgia pay attention in the 1980s? It’s not just reputations that are on the line. Board members, also known as directors, could be held personally liable for a bank’s demise. Experts are expecting a wave of lawsuits against directors to be filed in Georgia over the next year or two as […]

CIA briefings question is clever

rdan Check 0:25 for information on Bob Graham’s briefingCheck 2:50 for information on WMD briefing at about the same timeCheck 3:50 for information on Bob Graham’s now notable notebook system and inaccuracies in briefing dates (3 of 4 mentioned to him never occurred on those dates). A better question to pursue is not to discuss […]