Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Just a women’s issue

rdan Women’s e news carries a note on a time honored business plan, paying locals to not interfere with production. This is probably not taught to high school kids in America, or college, but most of us benefit at least through cell phones, i pods, and computers on a daily basis. Best to ignore the […]

Assassination by a lone man…free speech does need careful protection

rdan All of us might reflect on Frank Schaeffer’s words concerning hate and incendiary speech. Automatic slogans that tap deep emotion comes easily to all at points in their lives. Assassinations are ‘contagious’ at times. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

How I Eliminated $15.4 TRILLION in Unfunded Debt: for $1.50 a week

by Bruce Webb Don’t step in the Voodoo. Leap in U.S. debt hits taxpayers with 12% more red ink Yhe latest increase raises federal obligations to a record $546,668 per household in 2008, according to the USA TODAY analysis. That’s quadruple what the average U.S. household owes for all mortgages, car loans, credit cards and […]

Facts That Remain True After the Evidence Proves them Wrong

by cactus Facts That Remain True After the Evidence Proves them Wrong It wasn’t that long ago that much praise was being heard (in certain circles) about all sorts of things that have all kind of imploded as of late. Its 4 AM as I write this, but off the top of my head I’m […]

New Bear

Rdan Linda Beale of ataxingmatter will also be writing for Angry Bear beginning this month. Her thorough analysis and style will add to our value to our readers and provides us with a particular expertise in tax matters as well.

Northwest Plan for Social Security: Policy Proposal? or Benchmark?

by Bruce Webb Yes. Both. But first a recap. The semi-final version of the basic NW Plan was introduced in this post: NW Plan for a Real Social Security Fix. The spreadsheets linked to that post show that under current projections you can fix Social Security by implementing a 0.20% FICA increase in 2010, another […]

What to do now with $50,000 cash??

rdan A thought for a Sunday’s musing: If you have USD $50,000 in cash, what do you actually do with the money now? It is probably different by age group, but does one buy Ford at $2/share, swiss francs, some gold? As writers in newspapers and blogs analyze the state of the economy, what do […]

Health care proposals coming

rdan The Washington Post reports that: Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) is circulating the outlines of sweeping health-care legislation that would require every American to have insurance and would mandate that employers contribute to workers’ coverage. The plan in the summary document, provided by two Democrats who do not work for Kennedy, closely resembles extensive […]

Bullet Dodged ?

Robert Waldmann It may turn out that the value of the Geithner put given to banks in the PPIP will not be huge. Many people including me worried that the legacy loan program was a huge scam, because loans were to be bought with up to 85% of the money a no recourse loan from […]